Time Constraints ACT: 40 Questions 35 Minutes PLAN: 25 Questions 20 Minutes Hustle… less than 1 minute per question Wear a watch!
Strategies for Success The questions correlate with underlined portions of the reading passage. A phrase will be underlined with “1” written below it. Question #1 correlates with this underlined section. Read & answer the corresponding question when you get to an underlined portion. However, DO NOT just skip to underlined sections. You may need information from a previous non-underlined section to answer a question. Do NOT read the passage in its entirety and then answer questions. You WILL run out of time!
Strategies for Success Although it may seem obvious, do not spend too much time on any single question. If a question is difficult, take your best educated guess and “star” it in your test booklet. If time allows, come back to it. Do not leave a question blank with the intention to return to it later. Random Guess v. Educated Guess Eliminate 2 answers; then guess
Guessing… Think about this: Let’s say you know the correct answer for half of the questions and you make educated guesses on the remaining half, narrowing the choices to two. Your score will be roughly a 26, landing you in the 90th percentile of test takers.
Be Aware… Nearly all answers seem compelling. All answer choices will include accurate, textual- based information but with an incorrect response. So, don’t just assume since the first answer sounds good, that it is correct.
Reading Target Scores Target Score# Correct
Reading Practice Exam Reading Practice Handout: Plan to spend less than 1 minute per question 10 questions: 10 minutes _01.html _01.html