Paper to Digital: a decade’s journey March 2005 Peter Hatherley-Greene Dubai Men’s College
Technology is not neutral It may affect practice and roles It may affect practice and roles It may even change our ideas about education and knowledge It may even change our ideas about education and knowledge
HyperStudioHyperStudio digital projects started in 1995 HyperStudio HCT System granted permission to run the first digital integrated end of term project in 1996 – digital marking and grade reporting PowerPoint replaced HyperStudio in 2000 for digital projects Pioneered Audio CD’s to replace tape cassettes in 2000 Audio CD’s Audio CD’s Student Profiling Student Profiling to support learning outcomes started in Sept 2002 Student Profiling E-learning awareness E-learning awareness campaign began in Dec 2002 E-learning awareness WebCT courses WebCT courses implemented from Jan 2003 WebCT courses Over 50% of assessment now in WebCT Over 50% of assessment now in WebCT All projects distributed online since 2003 (recycle language and integrate learning) All projects distributed online since 2003 (recycle language and integrate learning) All projects All projects Most course assignments now submitted through WebCT Most course assignments now submitted through WebCT English vocab quizzes are completed on WebCT English vocab quizzes are completed on WebCT WebquestsWebquests were added in April 2003 Webquests Introduction of Weblogs for writing in Sept 2003 Weblogs Dedicated online site online siteonline site Beyond the Classroom Beyond the Classroom activities incorporates ITC with core subjects Beyond the Classroom Effectiveness and Evaluation Effectiveness and Evaluation Our Journey
Diploma 1 WebCT courses
Raising e-Learning Awareness
Audio CD’s
Weblogs Personal blogs are used to record final drafts of handwritten work done in the class. They aim to make students more analytical in their writing and to encourage student responsibility. Appearance is important as improved motivation and pride in their written work have been noted. Teachers can post messages if they want to.
Diploma Year 1 Online Learning
Online Projects
Beyond The Classroom
Student Profiling
Student Profiling contd.
Much of the “hype wave” has passed us Importance of the passionate individual We have described our practices We have reflected upon the results We now need to establish theory, not evaluation establish theory, not evaluation principles, not practices principles, not practices pedagogies, not applications pedagogies, not applications Gut-feelings are positive (e-logistics manage learning process so we can focus on the “learning”) Issues remain – security of e-assessment, technical glitches, only a part of a gamut of proven learning techniques Effectiveness and Evaluation
References Diploma Year 1 Online Learning Weblogs Webquests VARK Learning Preferences Peter Hatherley-Greene Office phone: