Chinese mealtimes Look at the following images of mealtimes in China. What do you notice? © NSW Department of Education and Communities, 2013 Funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations through the National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Program. China, by Noodle Bones CC BY 2.0Noodle BonesCC BY 2.0
Chinese Food, by James Jin CC BY-SA 2.0James Jin CC BY-SA 2.0
college_cafeteria_lunch, by Peretz Partensky CC BY-SA 2.0Peretz PartenskyCC BY-SA 2.0
Lunch at Mrs. Wong's house in LingDang Hutong, by Dave Proffer CC BY 2.0Dave ProfferCC BY 2.0
IMG_3901.JPG, by Clark Gregor CC BY 2.0Clark GregorCC BY 2.0
There is No Food in China, by Bryan Maleszyk CC BY 2.0Bryan MaleszykCC BY 2.0
Mum's Bak Kut Teh Dinner, by Alpha CC BY-SA 2.0AlphaCC BY-SA 2.0
Chinese food (good!!!), by Giorgio Minguzzi CC BY-SA 2.0Giorgio MinguzziCC BY-SA 2.0
China, by Camy West CC BY 2.0Camy WestCC BY 2.0
Dinner at Grandma's, by Kent Wang CC BY-SA 2.0Kent WangCC BY-SA 2.0
Sample questions What do you notice about: the colours? the types of food? the way the food is served? the utensils used to eat the food? the number of places set at the table? the shape of the tables?