What are the 5 Themes of Geography? Geography is the study of the earth.
What is Location? Cardinal Directions: North, South, East, and west. Intermediate Directions are in between: NW, SW, NE, SE Latitude is the distance north and south on the globe divided by the equator Longitude is the distance east and west on the globe divided by the Prime Meridian
Picture Examples Location
What is Absolute Location? Absolute location is the degrees measure in latitude and longitude of a give point within the hemispheres of the earth. For instance: Savannah Georgia is 32 degrees north latitude and 81 degrees west longitude.
What is Regions? Region is the term geographers use to group places that have something in common. These can be human or physical features such as population, history or landforms. For instance regions have the same government or physical feature like mountains or deserts.
Pictures regions
What is Place? Place is the human and physical features at a specific location. For instance a climate might be hot or cold. The land might be hills, and mountains or flat plains. Human characteristics include the types of people who live in a region, the work they do or their languages and religions.
Pictures of place
What is movement? Movement explains how, people, goods, and ideas get from one place to another. For Example: The immigrants who came to America brought food, clothing, religion and cultural beliefs. With this ideas, information, fads, and other cultural beliefs are spread through the world when a person or group of people moves to another area.
Pictures of movement
What is Human-Environment and Interaction? This is how people affect and interact with their environment. For instance: Building cities and places for people to live, dealing with global warming, lack of water or tearing down natural areas for resources like in the rainforests.
Pictures of Interaction
Ticket out List the five themes of geography and give an example of each using Colorado as your topic.