IST 331 class 8 [5 min.] frank ritter, 21sep15 Computers still off Questions? Abstracts back, Labs tuesday Ch. 4, perception, today Work on learning
Ch 6: Learning Transfer of learning Expertise, time on task, changing strategies Why? Changes users, solves problems, some like it
Ch. 3 Fitts Law (reprise) Time to move = –Constant + rate * ID – log2(2d/w) ms –70 log2(d/w + 0.5) ms Implications –Make d short –Make W large –W on edge is infinite –Make d = 0 –Get better rate –Move to keystroke
What we are examaning today
Ch. 4 - Behavioral aka Perception Basic terms –JND –Habituation –SDT Eyes –Major components, how they work –Popout –Gestault
Signal Detection Theory 1
SDT 2- So What? Notes that for some problems, people are not not trying, the problem is hard Notes that people might not be different in ability but different in threshold Gives design advice –Make d’ larger –Measure d’ not threshold in users –Adjust payoffs if you care
Ch 4. Eyes
Ch 4. Popout Popout of char Word completion Sentence completion
Ch 4. Popout 2 Not really a joke, but you will always this read wrong.
Ch 4. Popout 2
Ch 4. Gestault
Ch 4. Implications Active vision –Bird is like fovea Not much buffering Blind spots
Chapter 4 Motivation (cont) Maslov’s hierarchy
Chapter 4 Motivation (cont) Extrinsic & Intrinsic motivation
Implications in Graphs: Make things complete, popout, etc. From reddit:
Ch. 5-Attention Types of attention –In IO, in central cognition –Limited –Interuptions –Implication for design: Help focus users’ attention
Use of Perception in Web Design