Self-assessment – a means of improving foreign language teaching and learning NEAGU MARIA IONELA PETROLEUM AND GAS UNIVERSITY OF PLOIESTI
INITIAL CLAIMS Teachers must raise Ss’ awareness regarding curricular prescriptions Ss must be able to plan their own progress and to self-assess their competences after each stage
APPLYING CEFR ON FL CURRICULA ENGLISH CURRICULA Implicit target level of performance readingwriting 8 th grade L1B1+B1 8 th grade L2A2/B1 12 th grade L1B2B2+ 12 th grade L2B2
4 TH GRADE ORAL RECEPTIVE SKILLS objectives and competences in the curriculum Implicit target level of performance EUROPEAN DESCRIPTORS OF PERFORMANCE TARGETED LEVEL To understand the meaning of simple sentences concerned with familiar matters Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment) A2
objectives and competences in the curriculum Implicit target level of performance EUROPEAN DESCRIPTORS OF PERFORMANCE TARGETED LEVEL To understand the overall idea from short recorded passages (short dialogues, descriptions of people/objects /actions) Can understand and extract the essential information from short recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters which are delivered slowly and clearly A2
To appropriately react to different types of oral messages Can ask for attention./ Can indicate when he/she is following. / Can say when he/she did not follow. (Interaction strategies) Can understand instructions addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and follow short simple directions. (Listening to announcements and instructions) A2 A1
Opinion For and Against Solutions to a problem Can write short, simple essays on topics of interest. Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion about accumulated factual information on a familiar routine and non-routine matters, within his field with some confidence. Can write an essay or report which develops an argument, giving reasons in support or against a particular point of view and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of various options. Can synthesise information and arguments from a number of sources. Can write an essay or report that develops an argument systematically with appropriate highlighting or significant points and relevant supporting details. Can evaluate different idea or solutions to a problem. B1+ B2 B2+
ASSESSING Ss’ ESSAYS ACCORDING TO EUROPEAN DESCRIPTORS OF PERFORMANCE TASK: “Expand and support your point of view on the following topic, providing subsidiary points, reasons and relevant examples: Fear and Ignorance are the root causes of racial hatred” (300 words).