Eternal Life Part II Learning Objective: To consolidate our learning on eternal life.
What would you ask? Imagine you have the opportunity to meet someone who has experienced eternal life. What would you ask them? I would ask them...
Homestudy Set Up You are going to complete a creative response to the concept of eternal life. A creative response can be done in the form of a: Piece of artwork Poem/rap Model Collage In your creative piece you could either focus on Christian, Jewish or Muslim ideas on eternal life OR you could combine all three. It is up to you! Your piece should demonstrate a clear understanding of what these religious believers think life is like after we die. Think about concepts such as Heaven, Hell, Paradise, and Sheol. You will need a written explanation to accompany your piece.
Progress Check What ideas have you had on ways to present your homestudy? Can you identity what you now need to do at home to complete your homestudy? Do you have any questions?
Travel Agent You are a travel agent. You have one minute to convince your client of the best place to go to when they die. The choices are heaven, hell, paradise or Sheol. You need to explain why your choice is better than all of the others. Who can give the best sales pitch?