The national Danish e-Health Portal Bad Segeberg 20. september 2006 Managing Director Morten Elbæk Petersen,


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Presentation transcript: The national Danish e-Health Portal Bad Segeberg 20. september 2006 Managing Director Morten Elbæk Petersen,

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side2 Danish e-Health Strategy  Contribute directly to the improvement of quality, service and coherence in patient care  Ensure better communication between all parties in the health care service  Contribute to the fast and safe access of the individual citizen and/or patient to his own health record as well as to information concerning service and quality of health care  Be intrumental to better administration and management of the health care service  Ensure coordination with the political goals concerning digitalisation of the public sector in Denmark

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side3 Initiatives  Infrastructure  Standardization  Health Data Network (VANS > Internet)  Security: PKI based on CPR (Central National Register)  Electronic Patient Records  Telemedicine  Cross sectorial communication  Shared care  Danish e-Health Portal:

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side4

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side5 The overall goal of the portal is  To bring together future electronic communication between patients and the health care service.  To function as a communication tool for the stakeholders of the health care service.  To give citizens and/or patients an overview of the organization of the health care service and information related to the use of the health care service; and support the patient in attending to his own health and his health care situation.  To put expert information at the disposal of health care professionals.

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side6 Budget  Build-up budget ( ): 15 million euro  Annual budget: 4,5 million euro  IT operations (3 million euro)  Administration and staff (1,5 million euro)  All further development: the partners demands and financing (jukebox)

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side7 Features: Health professionals Information for GP (log on)  Patient appointment calendar  Web access to laboratory data (pilot)  ICPC search of diagnoses from GP’s electronic healthcare program (Linkportal) All Health care professionals (log on)  eMedicine records  Electronic patient records etc (pilot)  Waiting list information from hospitals  Secure communication  Cochrane library Regional and national information  Contact information (authorities, departments, health personnel)  Information on referral principles to hospitals/regions  Preventive medicine  Health laws and regulations  Laboratories and consultants

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side8 Features: Citizen/Patients Directory of names and addresses  Contact information  E-services (booking, prescription renewal, consultation) (log on)  Health appointment calendar  Comparison of prices, quality and accessibilty  E-commerce (pharmacies) (log on) Information about prevention and treatment  Contact information  Medical information (eg. information about treatments)  Waiting list information from hospitals  Preventive medicine  Health laws and regulations Access to own health data (log on)  Cross-sectorial personal electronic medicine profile  Patients’ medical history (since 1977)  Shared care: Pregnancy Records  Online Donor Registration and access to own data

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side9 Total unique visitors Dec – June 2006

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side10 Is it worth it? Electronic donor registration  2/3 of all registrations are now carried out electronic on  There has been a 40 % increase in the registration -consultation with the general practitioner  A tripling of -consultations in a year = a total of in 2005  The number of GP’s with e-services is almost four times bigger compared to December 2003 – resulting in a 33 % coverage in spring 2006  61 % of the Danish population wishes to communicate electronic with their GP’s (Survey on awareness 2006) The citizens access to own medical history  More than page views since the launch in September 2005  A tripling of registered users in a month (digital signature users)  orders of the digital signature in little over a month Business case acid case: Financed after the jukebox principal (No visible advantages, no official authorities to pay the expenses for’s own projects)

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side11 Awards  EU-award 2004: e-health, along with MedCom  Top of the web 2005 by The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and The National IT and Tele Agency  E-commerce award 2006 by The Danish eBusiness Association and The Danish IT Industry Association  The digitalization award 2006: by among others The Digital Taskforce, The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and The Danish IT Industry Association

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side12 Top of the web 2005 Winner in the category: “Digital self-service for citizens” (the jury’s special award): The jury’s motivation for giving the award:  “ believes in helping the Danish citizens to help them selves. The website’s well-written and short texts quickly lead users to the content they are seeking, and with the use of the digital signature the usefulness of the well thought out portal has increased even more in It’s an excellent example of self- service solutions that works according to its intentions and is easy to use. Many users felt that with the possibility of accessing their personal medical history they really had a reason for using their digital signature. The users as well as Top of the web’s jury reward’s initiative – the users by giving a lot of traffic, the jury with this award.”

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side13 The digitalization award 2006 Winner in the category: “Good digital citizen service” The jury’s motivation for giving the award:  is an ambitious portal, which point towards a health care system that is open 24 hours a day. Here the citizen can access his/her personal data and carry out e-commerce, e.g. with the local pharmacy, as well as contacting their general practitioner online.’s potential is very big and the portal should become a Danish darling on the web, but nothing is certain: Realization of the potential demands much of the portal owners.

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side14 Danish e-Health Portal  Description: The Association of County Councils, the Ministry of the Interior and Health, The National Board of Health, the Copenhagen Hospital Corporation, the municipalities of Copenhagen and Frederiksberg and the National Association of Local Authorities in Denmark will establish a common public health portal.  Time horizon: The first phase of the health portal will be launched at the end of In phase two there will be biannual releases from  Responsibility: The stakeholders of the health portal.

Den fælles offentlige sundhedsportal Side15 Organization of Owners/Boar d (Politicians) Project Management group Managing Director Secretariat Computer Contractors 800 editors from Health Authorities IT arcitecture group Reference Group 15 members (Health Professionals )