Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia CEFTA Week 2013 Customs Facilitation of Foreign Trade Sarajevo, November 2013 Gorgi Naumovski, Dimche Adjioski
Customs Facilitation E_CUSTOMS Single submission of the documents Submission of the declaration before presentation of the goods Customs clearance at the border crossings Simplified Procedures
EXIM – Electronic single window system for issuing export & import licenses Available at administrated by MCA Recommended by UNECE as a model for development of the SW in the region First award as software application in the public sector E_CustomsE_Customs
EXIM – Electronic single window system for issuing export & import licenses E_CustomsE_Customs
E-Lohn - E_management of customs procedures with economic impact E_CustomsE_Customs Electronic submission of the documents, faster processing of submitted documents; full transparency automatic comparison of data from documents submitted with the data from the system for processing customs declarations
E-Lohn - E_management of customs procedures with economic impact E_CustomsE_Customs
PEC - Portal for Electronic Communication within EDMS E_CustomsE_Customs EDMS Portal EDMS Portal Used by users within the CARM, more than accesses per year within the CARM, more than new documents created per year.
PEC - Portal for Electronic Communication within EDMS E_CustomsE_Customs PEC Portal PEC Portal
PEC - Portal for Electronic Communication within EDMS E_CustomsE_Customs
Other ICT support E_CustomsE_Customs 43 applications in function supported by massive hardware and communication equipment Each application has a designated Functional Project Manager and ICT Support Engineers responsible for technical support MAKCIS – Information System of the Customs Administration was certified by the Ministry of Information Society and Administration The average availability of the ICT systems and applications was 99.7%, which means that the targeted goal of 99,5% has been reached
EU related IT projects E_CustomsE_Customs NCTS expected to be accomplished at very beginning of 2014 Expected start for joining CT – June 2014 ITE - in progress – to be accomplished May 2014
Simplified Procedures Fast, easy and effective customs clearance; Lower cost than classical clearance at the terminals; Customs clearance can be done after working hours of the Custom, during the weekends or public holydays; Easy planning of the business process; Building of the partnership with the Customs; First step to AEO Benefits Valid Authorizations in 2011 – 200, in 2012 – 314 Percentage of simplified procedures by items in the declaration increased in from 28% to 47% (import) and from 4,3% to 18% (export).
Import and Export Customs Clearance at the Border Crossings Faster trade Longer working hours, one stop of the shipment Decrease of the expanses No expenses for transit declaration, free of charge stay on the terminal Fewer documents needed No transit declaration Deve Bair, Delchevo and Novo Selo – with Bulgaria Bogorodica and Medzitlija – with Greece Kafasan – with Albania Blace – with Kosovo Tabanovce – with Serbia
Submission of the Declaration Before Presentation of the Goods Decrease of the waiting time on the border crossings Facilitating the movement of the goods Less cost for the operators Improvement of utilization of recourses of customs and the operators At latest, 2 hours before presentation of the goods Copies of the documents are submitted Declaration is registered in the system If the goods are not presented in 48 hours, the declaration is canceled automatically Copies are replaced with originals (if needed) Customs control (depends on risk analysis) The goods are sealed Transit guaranty is charged
Why Single Submission of the Documents? In Customs Procedures the same documents are often submitted in several declarations and/or in several customs offices. Documents can be in paper or in electronic form (PEK); Those documents have long or unlimited validity period
Import of the Documents in eDMS If the document is issued by CARM, it is entered in the system after issuing; If it is not issued by CARM, it is entered in the system when first submitted; The document in the system is visible to all customs officers if needed. Database for documents is created No unnecessary copies of documents Possibility to check the validity of the documents Speeding up the procedure for the checking of the validity
Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION YOUR QUESTIONS ARE WELCOMED Sarajevo, November 2013 Gorgi Naumovski, Dimche Adjioski