2 nd BFN Meeting Romania Nov 2009 CREATION OF A NETWORK FOR APPLICATION OF A MULTI- DISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN BULGARIA AND ROMANIA Working team from Bulgaria Assistant Prof. Dr. Atanas Zdravkov Atanasov S.R.A. II degree Dr. Luba Iordanova Nenova Associate Prof. Dr. Eng. Irina Ilieva Valkova Associate Prof. Dr. Eng. Chavdar Zlatkov Vezirov R.A. I degree Veselin Iordanov Dochev Post Doc. Polina Lubenova Atanasova Post Doc. Rumen Todorov Kolev
INTRODUCTION The project presents some results of bilateral project for sustainable development and management of the organic agriculture (OA) in Bulgaria and Romania.OBJECTIVES The main aim of our work is to enhance the access, participation, and integration of two new members countries Bulgaria and Romania in a common research Multi- Lingual Network of the Professional Society in Organic Agriculture (MLNPSOA). The overall objective of the MLNPSOA is through modern information and communication technologies to organize the users into different professional groups in a creative and productive consortium for applying of multi-disciplinary approach to stable development and management of the organic agriculture in the region. 2 nd BFN Meeting Romania Nov 2009
PROJECT RESULTS Creation of a fourlingual network of institutions and members involved the organic agriculture, with questionnaire, dictionary, library, and knowledge based on the MLNPSOA server / / 2 nd BFN Meeting Romania Nov 2009
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For information and communication services for the consumers, producers, and manufacturers for kind and quantity of the supplied and demanded products electronic market with common database was developed. The e-market helps users for renegotiating the prices of the products; quick distribution of the made product; express on-line paying; decrease the unduly transport and storage expenditure; warranting for always fresh goods up to the adequate certificates; an open chance for nonstop connection consumer-producer, information discussions between producers and so on. 2 nd BFN Meeting Romania Nov 2009
CONCLUSIONS Created of a multi-lingual network of the professional society in OA including groups of organizations and users involved in OA used modern information and communication technologies for stable development and management of the OA in Bulgaria and Romania. Applying of such system allow fully information insurance, improvement of knowledge base, practical skills, and skills for decision making of different professional groups involved in OA. 2 nd BFN Meeting Romania Nov 2009 FUTURE WORK The basic aim of the next stage of the project include disseminations of project results between different target groups ( farmers, students, scientist s and etc.) For implementation of this aim on the web page will be to create e- journal. As final the web page will be complete with applied system for eco and science tourism.
Thank you for your attention 2 nd BFN Meeting Romania Nov 2009