Region 10 Young Professionals Activity report 22nd August 2014 SC2014 at Amsterdam R10 YP Coordinator : Ko KIKUTA
Self Introduction o Ko KIKUTA o 4/2009 – 3/2012 IEEE Student Branch in KEIO University Chair o 10/2008 – 3/2012 IEEE Tokyo Section GOLD Affinity Group Treasurer o 5/2014 – IEEE R10 YP Coordinator
Committee Member o Coordinator : Ko Kikuta o Secretary : Neha Tyagi o S.Asia Cluster : Hassan Idrees / Ahsan Saeed o S.E.Asia Cluster : Deepu C. John o Aus/NZ Cluster : Noel Gomes o Webmaster : Ajin Baby
R10 YP Objectives o To ensure smooth transition of IEEE SMs into YP. o Form new Affinity Groups in Region10 and engage YP activities. o Sustain the existing YP AGs.
●Project 1 : Region10 YP clustering project ●Project 2 : Support Region 10 YP Affinity Group Initiatives ●Project 3 : Region10 YP AIYEHUM (Humanitarian) Project ●Project 4 : Region10 YP Electronic Communication and IM ●Region 10 YP Award ●Region 10 GOLD Affinity Group Award Projects / Tasks
Project 1 : Clustering Project o Grow and develop Region 10 YP Clustering Program – South East Asia, South Asia and Australia/New Zealand to enhance interaction among YP Affinity Groups o To form new YP Affinity Groups. o To host country-wide or cluster-wide activities for more student and YP interaction o S.E and E. Asia - Starting event at HK and Vietnam
Project 2 : Initiatives Grant o Encourage all YP Affinity Groups in Region 10 to conduct activities and enhance the regional collaboration in Asia Pacific region. o Call for proposal has been announced on 21 st July o Submission deadline was 22 nd August (this morning) o 11 proposals submitted
Project 3 : AIYEHUM Project o All IEEE-R10 Young Engineers' Humanitarian Challenge (AIyeHum) : is a project-contest to encourage young scientists and engineers to solve real-world challenges applying science and technology. o Joint founding by : R10 YP / R10 SAC / R10 WIE / Bangalore Section (Ratio : 4 / 1 / 1 / 6.6) o 280 proposals submitted
Project 4 : Electronic communication o To create an active platform for sharing YP ideas online and discussion of topics relevant to the career development of young professionals. o To increase the visibility of R10 YP AG’s and their activities, successes and good practices. o
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