Goal: The goal of miDevice at Hutchens Elementary is to help students develop 21 st century technology and communication skills.
Procedures for Classroom Use: 1. All classrooms will participate in miDevice. 2. All teachers will help ensure the safety of devices by having the students place them in the designated area. No devices will be left in book bags during the school day. 3. It is recommended that all devices that are brought to school be in a protective case. 4. All parents should label the students devices at home before bringing them to school. Students will not be allowed to utilize a device if it is not labeled with the child’s name.
5. Devices should be utilized with ear buds/ear phones or in silent mode. 6. All devices will be charged at home. 7. All downloading of apps will be done at home by the parents. Teachers should send home suggested apps for use in the classroom. 8. Devices may only be utilized in the classroom during the school day. Students may not take devices to the computer lab, cafeteria, etc. Procedures for Classroom Use Continued:
Using Devices in the Content Areas: Teachers will work collaboratively on their grade levels to give parents guidance on what to download onto devices before sending them to school. The miDevice tab on mcpss.com under technology could be utilized for guidance on appropriate apps for school. Apps for android devices and apple devices should be suggested. httpPN=Pages&SubP=Level1Page&L=1&DivisionID=2145&Pag eID=17765&ToggleSideNav=ShowAll:// httpPN=Pages&SubP=Level1Page&L=1&DivisionID=2145&Pag eID=17765&ToggleSideNav=ShowAll://
What time of day will the students work on devices? All classrooms will utilize devices during: Center Time-A device will be utilized in lieu of a certain center, but all centers will remain available so that children without devices are not penalized. Devices will be utilized after independent work is completed. Devices will be utilized during Chirp Time each morning and any other time deemed necessary by the classroom teacher.
Discipline Plan for miDevice Misuse in the classroom- The student will not be allowed to use the device for the remainder of the day. Bothering/Damaging another student’s device- The student will be automatically suspended from school for 3 days. This includes damaging devices on the bus. Theft of a Device- The student will be suspended from school for a minimum of three days and the Resource Officer will be notified immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions bP=Level1Page&L=1&DivisionID=2145 &PageID=17765&ToggleSideNav=Show All bP=Level1Page&L=1&DivisionID=2145 &PageID=17765&ToggleSideNav=Show All
Which devices may be utilized at school? Kindle Fire/Kindle Fire HD IPAD Mini Laptops IPOD Touch NABI Any 7 inch tablet Leapfrog Leappads that support educational apps (No Leapsters with cartridges) Sorry….No Gaming systems example: Nintendo DS, PSP, etc except for Friday Fun activities.
Acceptable Devices
Work as a grade level to design a letter to parents explaining your classroom procedures for the devices. In the letter ask them to download all needed items and any other reminders they may need to know about sending a device to school.