70th- Anniversary of the Great Victory
The Great Patriotic War Презентация ученицы «10 Б» МБОУ СОШ №18. Толмачёва Виктория
The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, Germany’s invasion on the territory of the USSR and by the end of the year won Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus.
The troops moved into the center of the country to occupy Moscow.
Russian troops suffered huge losses, residents in the occupied territories were enslaved by the Germans.
But the Germans were stopped by our troops on the way to Moscow and Novgorod. Plan "Barbarossa" didn’t give the desired results, the battles continued until 1942.
November 19, 1942 began the advance of our troops, which gave good results - one German and four Allied armies were destroyed. The Soviet army continued its offensive in all directions, they were able to defeat the armies of several start persecution of Germans and move to the border of the front back to the west.
But it was only the beginning of this horrible war...