Cookie Training 2016 Good morning ladies to the 2015 Cookie Training: Lead The Change! We have an exciting year ahead of us and eight weeks of selling! If you do not already know me, my name is Samantha Thompson and I am the Cookie Queen for Northern Burlington, I am also the Cookie Manager and the Cookie Booth Coordinator for everything that is off base. If you haven’t already helped yourself to refreshments please do so now because we will be getting started in five minutes!
Service Unit Cookie Manager: Nancy Conk Cell phone: 609-815-1706 Here is my contact information, you can email, call or text me. I try to answer within a few hours but I am starting school in February so I could take a day. If it’s an emergency text or call me and I’ll respond pretty much immediately.
Important Dates! Start of Cookie Program January 14th, 2016 Trucks & Warehouses Open January 15th, 2016 Last Day for Planned Orders March 2nd, 2016 End of Cookie Program March 6th, 2016 Paperwork Due to Troop March 11th, 2016 Paperwork Due to Me! March 18th, 2016 On the screen you will see the dates for the Cookie Sale this year. The sale begins January 15th, 2015, before this date you are not permitted to sell cookies. Selling cookies before the street date can have consequences such as but not limited to loss of cookie booths, and lose of recognitions. The next date is January 16th, 2015 which is the first date the Trucks & Warehouses run, in order to pick up cookies on this date you will need to put your orders in two days prior which is Tuesday, January 13th, 2015. Moving a few weeks ahead we have March 6th which is the last day to place a planned order to pick up. The Cookie Season ends on March 8th, 2015, you may still sell cookies after this date however this is the “official end date”. On March 13th, all paperwork is due to your troop, make sure all girls have turned in money and paperwork by this date. On March 20th, you are to give all paperwork to me! I cannot accept paperwork after this date so please make sure to have your paperwork on time. I will be holding a training on March 11th prior to the Service Unit meeting and you are free to bring in your paperwork and I will go over it with you!
White Envelope Special! Included in your enevelope are the following: 6 deposit slips, 5 transfer forms Family guides, cookie forms and money envelopes Receipt books, Troop Cookie Guide Buy Five and Taste of home poster Cookie Booth Packing List 1 package of Lemonades! Included in your not so brown bag are deposit slips, transfer forms, family guides, cookie forms and money envelopes for each registered girl. Also included are receipt books, troop marketing guides and one box of Lemonades
Housekeeping! REGISTERED No Exceptions. Make sure the Troop Leader, Cookie Moms, Girls and ALL PARENTS handling money at booths are REGISTERED Please make sure that all leaders, cookie moms, girls and all parents handling money at booths are registered. Council is cracking down on those that are not registered and they will not receive credit for any cookies sold unless they are registered so please make sure they are before the end of January to avoid any issues! No exceptions, everyone must be registered or they can not participate in any activities. No Exceptions.
Cookie Princess! The top selling girl in the Service Unit will be awarded the title of Cookie Princess and will receive the following prizes: Princess Swag Bag, Tiara and Trophy! The 2nd & 3rd top selling girls will also receive a trophy. Returning this year is the Service Unit Cookie Princess contest because every Queen needs a Princess! The top selling girl in the Service Unit will be awarded the title of Cookie Princess and will receive the following prizes: Princess Swag Bag, Tiara and a Trophy. The 2nd and 3rd top selling girls of the Service Unit will also receive a trophy.
Deposits! First Deposit Due - January 23rd, 2016 Second Deposit Due - February 6th, 2016 Third Deposit Due - February 20th, 2016 Final Deposit Due -March 14th, 2016 The dates you see here are the scheduled dates for Deposits to GSCSNJ, these are not suggested dates these are the last possible dates that you can deposit money. Please plan on making at least the required amount of deposits, make sure you do not overpay. March 16th, 2015 is the final deposit date, make sure you pay off your bill to council by this date. I will be checking deposits weekly and I will be sending out warnings if you do not have a deposit by the dates above. If by the third warning you still haven’t paid I will contact the treasurer and will freeze your account.
Let’s take a little bit of time to talk about ABC Snap because that’s pretty much where you will be spending a good amount of time in. Need a SNAP account? First and foremost, you need an account to even get into SNAP, if you haven’t already done so make sure you head over to our Service Unit website and fill out the lovely form. If you already submitted the form you have an account and are ready to go. If you submit the form by Sunday night of this weekend you will have an account by Tuesday night.
How to Log In! Username: Your Email Password: lemonades How to Log In! When you get to the homepage which is you will see this lovely log in screen, to sign in you will need your email and the password “samoas”. Username: Your Email Password: lemonades
Make Sure to Update Your Account Once you are into SNAP make sure to update your profile, add in as many fields as possible and make any changes. After that head over to the Edit My Troop page and make any corrections to that as well. We want to make SNAP as updated as possible.
Adding girls to Snap ? The Product Sales team will be the only one allowed to put girls into your Snap account. You can find your girl’s information under “My Troop”. Located in website All girls must be registered to be in SNAP, no exceptions!!! GSCSNJ is currently in the process of updating the list of girls in the Service Unit which is why I am unable to provide a picture, however if you look at page 10 in your manual they will show you an example of how to add girls.
Placing a Planned Order! Using the Cookie option you will find the Planned Order option under the drop down menu, clicking on this will open up the Planned Order form, in previous years you were limited to two planned order forms before you had to show me a deposit slip. GSCSNJ did away with that and now you are allowed as many as you wish. Please do not go overboard because they have changed the procedure for Planned Orders. Now you must pick up everything you asked for, no exceptions. You must place orders two days before you plan to pick them up, make sure to sign up for EZ text alerts in case of cancellations.
Transferring Cookies! For a visual representation, please turn to page 7 of your manual. To Transfer cookies between troops make sure select Troop to Troop transfer and put the Troop Transfer Form Number in the Order Reference. You have received four forms in your bags. For a visual representation, please turn to page 14 of your manual. To Transfer cookies between troops make sure select Troop to Troop transfer and put the Troop Transfer Form Number in the Order Reference. You have received four forms in your bags.
Does this look familiar? Are you tripping over cases of cookies when you enter your home? Are your children sleeping on boxes of Peanut Butter Patties instead of their beds? Please do not let excess cases of cookies ruin your marriage, don’t build your dog house out of cases. GSCSNJ has a strict no return policy on cookies, trust me they don’t want them to go to their thighs. Unless you want to end up on an episode of hoarders, I suggest you make sure that you either A) sell the cookies, B) transfer them to other troops or C) at least pay off your bill to council and then go from there. Either way, do not get to the last week of the sale and have over 100 cases, please email me in advance and we will find a solution! Does this look familiar?
Buy Five Promotion! Customers that purchase 5 boxes in one single transaction can go online and enter a drawing to win a years worth of cookies, I think it comes out to five cases I’m not sure. They get to choose the types. Anyway, if they purchase ten they can enter twice, fifteen can get three and so on and so forth. Forms can be found online that hosts a QR code because who doesn’t love easy shortcuts. Customers that purchase 5 boxes in one transaction can enter a drawing for a years worth of cookies!
Taste of Home! First, you’ll need a transfer order, except you aren’t going to use a troop or a girl, you are going to use TASTE OF HOME, it is so much easier in comparison to last year with the fake troop number. You will do the transfer order as if you are doing it with a troop.
Taste of Home! You donate these cookies yourself, you can use donated money to pay for them or sometimes customers will donate cookies to Taste of Home, your girls will receive credit for selling these cookies. On the next slide I’ll show you how to transfer them. Troops that donate 4 or more cases to Taste of Home will earn the Taste of Home Patch for each girl.
Is Snap Driving You Crazy? Let’s face it, SNAP can be terrible sometimes but using the resources above it should make the transition easier, and should you still have any questions I will be more than happy to help answer them!
Coco Direct is new and improved! Girls can earn the COCO patch for selling 12 packages of cookies online using COCOdirect on a PC or mobile device! Through COCO, girls can: Set goals for how many packages you want to sell Track sales progress, Make plans on how to reach your goal Send E-Cards to friends & family Coco Direct is back and better than ever, with Coco Direct you can set goals for your girls, make plans on how to reach your goals, send e-cards to friends and families and most importantly you can
You Can Now Buy Cookies Online! Cookies can only be purchased in half cases, eight pack samplers or full cases. Shipping starts at $15 for a half case. You can not mix and match cases. Girls receive full credit for all boxes sold. Customers must buy cookies through a Girl Scout. You can now buy Girl Scout Cookies online using Coco Direct, it has been published all over the news, online and pretty much everywhere. Cookies can only be purchased in half cases, eight pack samplers or full cases. You can not mix and match cookie types. Shipping starts at $15.00 for a half case. Girls will receive full credit for all boxes sold, customers must buy cookies through a Girl Scout and must use Coco Direct.
Earn some new bag swag this winter. Volunteer Incentive Earn some new bag swag this winter. Troops that increase the total cookies sales by 10% over 2015 will earn two volunteer tote bags. New Troops can earn the bags by selling at least 70 cases of cookies during the 2016 program You can now buy Girl Scout Cookies online using Coco Direct, it has been published all over the news, online and pretty much everywhere. Cookies can only be purchased in half cases, eight pack samplers or full cases. You can not mix and match cookie types. Shipping starts at $15.00 for a half case. Girls will receive full credit for all boxes sold, customers must buy cookies through a Girl Scout and must use Coco Direct.
What’s New For 2016! 2015 is an exciting year for Northern Burlington and the cookie season, we have a few new programs this year that I’m sure you will be excited about.
The Trios Pilot Program! Trios will now be paying at the same time as your regular cookies. Trios will be now tracked in SNAP. Girls will receive incentives for selling TRIOS but will not receive the extra money incentive like last year. They can also be transferred in SNAP! Joining the eight different varieties of cookies from ABC Bakers is Trios! Trios is our Gluten Free Oatmeal Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookie which was a part of our Pilot Program. A few of our troops will be participating in this pilot. This cookie will be sold for $5.00 and no reorders are permitted.
Team App 2015 is an exciting year for Northern Burlington and the cookie season, we have a few new programs this year that I’m sure you will be excited about.
What’s Your Cut of the Deal? Of the $4.00 a box: .93 goes to the baker 3.07 goes to GSUSA Of the $3.07: .60 to .90 goes to troops .10 goes to recognitions $2.08 to $2.39 provides programming, staffing and other council stuff. So let’s talk about that $4.00 a box, and where exactly it goes. Using the chart above we see where the profit is divided. Of the $4.00 a box, .93 goes to the baker and $3.07 goes to Girl Scouts. Of that 3.07, .60-.90 is taken out for your troops profits depending on how much you sell, ten cents is taken for those prizes and patches and finally the rest is given to council for whatever they see fit.
How Much Can I Make? All Levels Edition! Above are the numbers for Daisies, Brownies, Juniors and Older Girl troops that take the incentives. The profit starts at .60 cents per box and goes up to .90 cents a box.
How Much Can I Make? Older Girl Edition Above are the numbers for Older Girl troops who do not take the incentives and instead opt for the .5 cent increase. Profit starts at .65 cents a box and ends at .90 cents a box. Girls receive patches but no prizes.
Girl Scout Swag is new and improved, following last years move to have the girls vote on prizes, we have the end result here. All prizes, unless you are taking the extra .5 cent increase are accumulative. For those that reach the hoodies and t-shirts, please note that sizes run small and never order the child’s extra small sizes because they are for dolls.
Now that the Cookie Training is over, it’s time to talk about Girl Scout Cookie Booths, I am going to go over the training for the Cookie Booths. As the Coordinator for Bordentown, Chesterfield, New Hanover and North Hanover, I am able to answer any questions about bases off base, any other questions will go to Kathy Reed who handles base booths.
Cookie Booth Coordinators Kathy Reed: Areas covered: Military Base Nancy Conk: Areas covered: Bordentown, Chesterfield New Hanover & North Hanover Here are the contacts for the Cookie Booths, please contact the correct Coordinator for the area that you are looking for.
The Rules Girls are to dress in uniform No more than 4 girls and 2 adults Booths are run through Coordinator only! Raising money for other groups is not allowed. Any parent touching money must be registered. Girls must have an adult take them everywhere. You can only sell within Northern Burlington. You may not have a donation can. Let’s go over the basic rules of selling at Booths, Girls are to dress in some uniform, whether it be a pin or a vest or sash. Something must identify them as a Girl Scout. No more than four girls and two adults at a booth unless otherwise stated. You cannot set up booths yourself, everything must go through myself or if it is on base through Kathy Reed, no exceptions. Raising money for other organizations is prohibited, you can not raise funds for other things as much as it’s a good thing it’s just not allowed. Any parent that touches the money must be registered, you also need one registered adult at every booth. Girls must have an adult take them anywhere, even to the bathroom, even if they are 17 years old. You can only sell within our jurisdictions, which is a large area. You can only sell in the towns we cover. You may not have a donation can at your booths, you cannot ask for them to donate their change to your troop. You can however accept donations.
More Common Sense You must sell the cookies for $4.00 a box unless it’s Trios which is $5.00. You are not allowed to sell them for a higher or lower price. You are NOT allowed to contact other stores looking for Cookie Booths, if we discover this we will ban you from cookie booths for the rest of the sale. This is pretty much common sense for a reason, you can’t change the prices for cookies unless of course it’s after the sale is over and you want to just take a loss you can sell them cheaper but other than that, $4.00 a box and $5.00 for TRIOS. No exceptions. This next bit is about Booths, you are not allowed to look for your booths, if you see a location for a booth that you really want and I haven’t discovered it, shoot me an email. It is my job to call and be the liaison for this. Having multiple people contact these locations makes it harder to get them the next year. If I find out you are setting up your own booths I will remove all your booths and ban you from them for the remainder of the season.
Housekeeping! All permission slips must be signed by parents before girls sell cookies. Have your girls buddy up always. All activities MUST HAVE an adult present. Show that you’re a Girl Scout. It’s time to go over my favorite section, Housekeeping rules! All permission slips must be signed by parents before girls can touch those cookies. You’ll find that form in the back of the Family Guide, it’s blue you can’t miss it. Have your girls buddy up, when going door to door make sure you always have two, and as much as you love your kids try to avoid being their buddy for Cookie Sales. But, on the other hand all activities must have an adult present, booths, door to door, even going to see your babysitter to sell cookies Must Must Must have an adult. Also, show that you are a Girl Scout, wear your vest, pins or any other insignia merchandise you own, you are selling a product and that franchise wants it’s name known.
Housekeeping! Try not to accept bills higher than $20 Make sure you do not hold onto money, deposit that cash. Do not have your girls enter homes that you don’t know. Sell in the daytime unless at a booth. Try not to accept bills higher than twenty dollar bills, counterfeit bills have been passed around troops luckily not to our Service Unit but to others. Let’s avoid the issues that come with this, if you can invest counterfeit pen. If a customer is genuine they won’t mind you checking and if they do then you should suspect something. Make sure you do not carry large amounts of cash on you, or in your home. Make sure you are making regular deposits into your Troop Account so that you are protected. Do not have your girls enter homes or vehicles of people you don’t know. Sell in the daytime unless at a booth or given prior permission, we are here to sell the product but we are also here to be safe.
Housekeeping! Never give out girls full names or contact information, EVER. Do not ask for donations! Coco Direct is the only approved online sales program, do not sell through PayPal, Craigslist or eBay. This is the common sense housekeeping, never give out girls full names or contact information, phone number, emails or anything to anyone. If someone wants to buy cookies at a later date, give them YOUR contact instead. Do not ask donations, if a customer offers you a donation you are allowed to accept it but you can’t outright ask for their change from a transaction or solicit funds. You also cannot use donation for other organizations. Coco Direct is the only approved outlet for selling cookies, you may not use Paypal, Craiglist or eBay. You can however post your link for CoCo Direct on Facebook! If you want to cover your tail, ask for private messages to interested buyers.
First, you must deposit money into your Troop Account! $$ Making Deposits $$ First, you must deposit money into your Troop Account! Second, you go to TD Bank and deposit money via a troop check into Council’s account using a Deposit Slip. Checks made out to GSCSNJ Make sure to ask for two validated slips and write your troop number on the deposit slip. You’ll need to deposit money throughout the cookie season, make sure you deposit money into troop account regularly. When you go to TD Bank you’ll need a deposit slip and a check from your Troop Account. Write your Troop Number on the deposit slip to avoid money floating in space. Ask for two validated deposit slips, you’ll need them at the end of the season.
How much should you deposit? it will only hurt you in the long run. $$ Making Deposits $$ How much should you deposit? As much as possible without going over. Try for 20% to 25% of your bill. It is not acceptable to make $20.00 deposits, it will only hurt you in the long run. A good deposit amount is at least 20 to 25 percent of your bill to council, try to avoid going over as it takes GSCSNJ quite some time to get it back for you. When in doubt, let me know and I’ll look at your account for you. Do not make deposits with less than 100 dollars, you need to put something down on your account.
Paper Trails! Make sure you keep track of everything involving transactions with money and cookies. Use the Receipt Books to avoid discrepancies. Paper Trails are so important, make sure you keep track of everything because it’s better to be prepared and not have to worry about anything versus not having your ducks in a row and having to scramble around later for everything. Always write down transaction when parents take out cookies, that way if a parent says they did not take that amount out you have proof. Make sure you record everything.
When Things Go Wrong When selling cookies, things can go wrong. You are carrying a large amount of money and you can bring in a lot of money at a cookie booth. If someone steals your money, please do not chase after them. First, call 911 and then call me. If you notice someone suspicious contact the manager on duty, ASAP. Do not ignore any instincts, your first responsibility is to the safety of your girls and yourself not the cookies. We are dealing with a lot of money when we sell cookies, things could go wrong. If anyone steals your cashbox or boxes of cookies do not play the hero. Do not chase after them or attempt to stop them. Get a description and call the police and then contact me. If someone is lurking around your booth and is giving you bad vibes, notify the manager on duty. Your only worry is the safety of the girls and yourself, do not worry about the cookies or cash.
Delinquency Reports If at the end of the season you have a parent that owes you money or cookies, you must fill out a delinquency report for each parent that owes you money and/or cookies. You can find these forms online. If you do have a delinquent parent, please let me asap. Things happen, sometimes parents lose the money or refuse to pay or take cookies and never return them. If this happens, you will need to fill out a form to help get the money or products back. Make sure to contact me so I can start the process and notify council.
Applications can be found on the Team App. Submit all Square Card Reader Applications to Samantha Thompson at Applications can be found on the Team App. Council will reimburse troops that purchase the $29 Microchip Reader, submit proof of payment to Samantha Thompson. Squares are awesome, I’ve used them and a lot of troops already have them. If you need a reader please go to You fill out the forms and create an account and hook up your troop banking account to the Square Reader. It takes about roughly a week and a half, for every box it is $.11 cents that you lose but in the long run it pays for itself. You need a smart phone and internet access to use the reader.
Additional Resources!forum/gscsnj-cookies
How and When to become the bad person
All Finished! Time for a Break!