#hashtags Brian Coghlan ISC 110
What is a hashtag? Form of Data Sorting Used in social media Emerged in 2007 Popular in 2009 #hashtag #hashtag,90 Trending
#cheesecake !!!!!
Facebook hashtags suck!! “Twitter’s limited character count means adding metadata is just plain useful – same goes for Instagram. You’re posting images, usually without long, drawn out explanations (hopefully; don’t be that guy). Hashtags work as a way to define it, or connect it to something similar. On Facebook, you connect to people who are “similar,” usually friends, family, colleagues or friends of friends. On Twitter and Instagram you connect to the things people are saying or showing. Thus, a hashtag helps you make that connection.” Read more: hashtags/#ixzz2n5iJABg7 hashtags/#ixzz2n5iJABg7
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