East Middle School Dress Code
The dress code requires students to be dressed in a manner that is conducive to a scholastic atmosphere.
Students are not permitted to wear clothing or items which make reference to profanity, vulgarity, sex, alcohol, racial slurs, tobacco, drug related writing or symbols, or gang related writing or symbols.
Students may not wear clothing that distracts from the educational program or constitutes a health or safety hazard.
Gloves, Caps, Scarves, Sunglasses, Hats, Headphones/Earphones Upon entering the building, all head coverings, including hats, scarves, hair picks, stocking caps, hoods, rakes, sweat bands, do-rags, and bandanas must be removed from the head and placed in lockers. Only head coverings worn for religious reasons are allowed. Sunglasses, hats, hoods, bandanas, scarves, sweat bands, and headphones/earphones are not to be worn in school.
Clothing with holes is not permitted. This is due to safety reasons.
Jewelry No jewelry and accessories that could be harmful or dangerous to other students should be worn. Students may not wear or have chains such as heavy dog chains, billfold chains, etc. Jewelry with spikes is not allowed. Sweatbands are not to be worn on any body part.
Outerwear (i.e. hats, jackets, gloves) Any garment that is meant to be worn outside will not be worn inside the building. Coats are to be worn to and from school only and must be placed in student lockers. No gloves
Backpacks/purses No Backpacks carried to classes. No oversize purses carried to classes.
Camisoles, halter or tank type shirts are not to be worn.
Undergarments of any kind are not to be seen!! (i.e. boxers& bras)
Bottoms No shorts, or dresses with slits above mid-thigh are permitted. Sagging pants are not allowed. Shorts, skirts, and dresses must not be shorter than the fingertips – when the arms are extended straight at your side. (mid- thigh)
No bagging, sagging, dragging clothing allowed.
No pajama tops or bottoms may be worn.
Blouses and shirts may not expose the chest area or the midsection.
No profane, gang related or suggestive lettering or pictures on clothing.
Shoes Must be worn at all times. No bedroom slippers. Students should wear appropriate and safe shoes or sandals at all times. No shoes with wheels
Inappropriately dressed students will be required to change clothes so they meet these standards.
We rely on the good judgment and discretion of our students and parents in regard to what students wear to school. However, the final decision as in the suitability of any attire will be determined by the faculty and administration of East Middle.