PP 410
Office Hours: Primary – Phone and occasionally I will be on AIM: seabrooks09 – Tuesday’s 4pm to 6pm eastern time
Seminar’s – Wednesday’s 9pm to 10pm Eastern Time 10 Points for each seminar June /13 – Last Seminar
Discussion Board – Each week there is one discussion question, worth 20 points Across at least 3 days a week Response to the Topic question(s) Responses to at least 2 classmates Responses are original, thoughtful, relevant, include original evaluation, and advance the discussion Please ensure contributions are made in a timely manner to allow for student feedback ( 1Topic each week )
Discussion Board – Each week there is one discussion question, worth 20 points Communications must be professional and civil at all times. All posts must be done in an environment which is collaborative. Please make sure your message is substantive – more than “I agree” or less than a paragraph response. When you use information from our textbook or other sources you MUST cite references. Wait to response to a message that upsets you and be careful of what you say and how you say it. (Contact Professor)
Late Work – All assignments are due on the due date. Failure to submit on time can result in 5% deduction per week will be assessed on all late work. No late work will be accepted more than 3 weeks after the original due date or after the conclusion of Unit 7 without an extenuating circumstance AND prior instructor approval. Extenuating Circumstances: Contact your instructor immediately if you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing assignments, projects, and quizzes, attending seminars, or participating in the class.
Course Unit Unit 9 – International Initiatives & their impacts on Economic Growth and Development 1. Read : Chapters 10, pp in the eTextbook (Lee), Read Chapter 15, pp in the eTextbook (Mikesell) and Unit Lecture Notes 2. Review : Unit 9 Key Terms 3.Take part in Discussion - 20 Points 4. Attend Seminar - 10 Points ( 06/13/2012 ) 5. Submit Unit 9 Assignment Due – June 19, 2012 – 175 Points
Discussion of the Fiduciary Article Final Project for the class
This article poses the question of what if public officials and servants owed a fiduciary duty to the public that they served? There are several parallels between ethics laws and fiduciary responsibilities The notion of having a fiduciary duty also touches on some of the higher obligations of public service above and beyond the minimum requirements of most public service ethics laws.
Also, thinking about these parallels between fiduciary duties and public service ethics offers a good opportunity to think broadly about the obligations of public service Fiduciary means trust and confidence When we chose elected officials, we are putting our trust and confidence in to act in our best interest
The same can be said about an employee of a public agency Always putting the public’s interests first is the essence of public service ethics A fiduciary is also someone who acts for another. This is why trust and confidence are so important
Because a fiduciary has the power and obligation to act for another the law imposes strict standards of diligence, responsibility and honesty. These are very similar to the federal law standards for public officials, which impose on public officials the broad obligations to serve the public honestly
Honest public serve means being conscientious, loyal, faithful, disinterested and unbiased. Honest public service is performed free of deceit, undue influence, conflict of interest, self-enrichment, self-dealing, concealment, bribery, fraud and corruption. These are very similar to the standards for fiduciary duty obligations
15 For this week’s discussion, contact your local government comptroller’s office and ask for a copy of the investment policy or the cash management plan. Review the policy or plan and answer the following questions. What controls are placed on state and local cash management by state law or local ordinance? What investment instruments are legal? Does your community participate in an investment pool? Post your answers, and be prepared to discuss your findings with others in the class.
After reading this article, write a short paper explaining how the duties and practices of government financial managers (as discussed in Units 2-9) are guided by the ethical rules and guidelines addressed in this article. Include in your paper specific illustrations of how these duties apply in each of the key practices addressed in this course.
Length should be 3-5 pages, excluding cover page and references. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format Review the grading rubric posted in DocSharing
Read your Unit 9 assignments Participate in Discussions Complete and Submit your Final Project Contact me with any questions!
References Lee, R. S. Jr., Johnson, R. W., & Joyce, P. G. (2008). Public budgeting systems (8 th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Barlett. Mikesell, J. L. (2011). Fiscal administration (8 th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
Adjourn Have a great week… “See” you on the Discussion Boards Goodnight!