Reflection & Response Blue Sky Focus Group
The Programme Introduction & Focus Area Discussion Setting 3 rd Blue Sky Objective – where are we? DORF Collaborative planning (Route Through doc) Professional Development ingredients: Dedicated time during term for self-development INSET time allocated to focus area INSET September 2014
To Create an Objective that has a high impact on the Quality of Teaching using the Route Through Document as an overview To develop a confident understanding of the importance of student response and reflection time To trial, reflect and develop a variety of strategies to promote SRT (Student Response/Reflection Time) Work in a collaborative pair/team to support and coach in a non-judgemental way Focus Group Aims
Response & Reflection Sharing starting points: where are we? Questioning Marking Oral Feedback Thinking time AfL Other Ultimately, it’s a way of making VISIBLE the process of LEARNING and helping to evidence the PROGRESS made by students.
“By receiving weekly observations and feedback, a teacher develops as much in one year as most teachers do in twenty.” Observations should not be judgmental but to “coach [teachers] to improve student learning.” “Teachers… develop most quickly when they receive frequent feedback and opportunities to practice.”
Process of paired/group support Non-judgemental Regular + progressive – (fortnightly and formative) 15 minute observation + 15 minute feedback Feedback: focus on key strengths + 1 specific target Coaching used to develop target & process DORF Dedicated Observation, Reflection & Feedback
Coaching Example 1 What’s wrong with this supportive discussion?
Coaching Example 2 What makes this supportive discussion effective?
Decide on your Blue Sky Objective: Focus? Impact? Key actions or support? Evidence? Discuss and plan your Route Through – including the DORF/Coaching method. Next Steps Coaching: -Supportive/trust -Questioning/Listening -20%-80% - empowering -GROW model
Example Objectives To [develop/improve/explore/trial] the use of…[insert focus here] by focusing on [class/group of students] in order to [impact/final outcome]. To develop the use of reflection time by focusing on underachieving boys in 8R3 in order to increase engagement and ownership of personal targets. To explore a variety of strategies that will make marking more effective for pupil premium students in 10V3 so that good progress (4LOP) is made.