GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE GSE Opintoryhmien vaihto D 1380 Jaakko Panula D1380 GSE Chair
GSE Goals and Objectives The program is designed to develop professional and leadership skills among young people to better prepare them to address the needs of their communities and an increasingly global workplace.
GSE Program ○ Vocational activities – ammatillinen kokemus ○ Cultural experiences – kulttuurivaihto ○ Fellowship opportunities – ystävyyssuhteet ○ Rotarian involvement – rotarien osallistuminen
Financing ○ The Rotary Foundation ○ District ○ Clubs
Content of the Program ○ the country ○ government ○ law ○ education ○ social services ○ agriculture ○ commerce ○ research ○ religion and culture ○ recreation and sports
In Charge of the Outgoing Teams ○ District Governor ○ GSE Subcommittee ○ GSE Chairman
Outgoing Teams – Organizing Tasks ○ Recruitment and selection of candidates Age yrs, professional degree, employed, language skills, from non-Rotary family ○ Training of the Team 5-6 meetings of 2-3 hours together, special characteristics of the country of destination and the program, Rotary knowledge, getting acquainted, GSE-presentations
In Charge of the Incoming Team ○ District Governor ○ GSE Chairman and the supporting group ○ Clubs
Important in the Program Planning ○ COORDINATION, no repetition ○ Emphasis on the right things in the presentations and excursions ○ Not too many Rotary events (max. 3/week) ○ Intercity, district conference! ○ Enough free time
GSE Results from Experience Adds and deepens knowledge, understanding and friendship between different countries and cultures. Once-in-a-lifetime Experience! Adds Rotary awareness and goodwill!