GlobEmission (ITT 6721) new ESA contract starting on Oct. 11 KNMI/BIRA/FMI/TNO/VITO
Status of emission inventories
Status of current emission inventories InventorySpatial resolutionTemporal resolution Last updatePeriodRemarks EDGAR x 1 annual updated every 5 years GEIA v.1 1 x 1 annual GFED v.3 1 x 1 monthly yearfire emissions, satellite data involved GICC 1 x 1 monthly biomass burning MACC 0.5 x 0.5 monthly under construction MEGAN 1 x 1 monthly biogenic emissions POET 1 x 1 annual/monthly RETRO 0.5 x 0.5 monthly UNFCCCper countryannual greenhouse gases Global inventories Temporal resolution: monthly or annual Updated: 2 inventories within the last 5 years (in blue) Spatial resolution:0.5 or 1 degree
Status of current emission inventories InventorySpatial resolutionTemporal resolution Last updatePeriodRemarks Regional inventories: Europe EMEP50 x 50 kmannual Country totals updated yearly, Spatial distrib. updated every 5 yr TNO-MACC x annual EMEP country totals with improved spatial distribution Regional inventories: Asia INTEX-B 0.5 x 0.5 annual2006 REAS 0.5 x 0.5 annual ,2000with predictions for Regional inventories: North America CGEIC 1 x 1 annual1985 part of EDGAR NEI (EPA)USA stateannual2008 updated every 3 years Regional inventories Temporal resolution: annual Updated: 3 inventories within the last 5 years (in blue) Spatial resolution:~0.1 – 1.0 degree
User requirements
Committed end users European Environmental Agency (EEA) University of Edinburgh Min. of Environmental Protection of China (MEP) Indian Inst. of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) South African Weather service (SAWS) National institute for Env. Studies Japan (NIES) Specific user requirements: Species: NOx, CH 4, CO, NMVOC, SO 2, PM, O 3 Accuracy: better than 30% - 80 % Spatial resolution: 1 km - 50 km Time resolution: daily – annual
User Requirements: Regions
User Requirements: Temporal/Spatial
Do the bottom-up inventories match the user requirements ? Species : –Number of species is more than enough Accuracy: –Usual sufficient –Some regions are unreliable Spatial: –Sometimes a higher resolution is requested –Africa is under-represented in the regional inventories Temporal: –More recent emission estimates needed –Higher temporal resolution needed: monthly or daily
Can GlobEmission using satellite observations improve this ? Species : –Focus on a few targetted species (–) Accuracy: –Probably sufficient, but it still has to prove itself (±) –All regions are treated similar (+) Spatial: –Sometimes a higher resolution is requested (±) –Regional inventory dedicated to South-Africa (+) Temporal: –Emission estimates will be made available almost immediately (++) –Monthly temporal resolution possible (+)
Project Overview
GlobEmission: Inversion of satellite observations Concentrations Emissions Satellite observations
GlobEmission: Approach Based on satellite observations using inversion techniques Complementary to bottom-up inventories (not replacing) Focus on a limited number of species: –NOx, CH 4, CO, NMVOC, SO 2, PM Validation with existing inventories and model results Goal: to demonstrate the validity of the concept
Service implementation Dedicated services for the following four types of emission estimates: 1.Global Inversion of HCHO, CHOCHO on a global domain CO inventory assessment 2.Regional NO 2 (and O 3 ) and SO 2 over South Africa, China, India (high resolution) 2b.High resolution Emission Maps Spatial disaggregation to create high resolution maps over South Africa 3.European Inversion of NO x in Europe Verification of SO 2 and CO inventories in Europe (and O 3 ) 4.Aerosol-related Aerosol inversion over Europe, South Africa, China and Japan Forest Fire emissions
Global Emission Estimates Service provider : BIRA-IASB Main users:NIES, Univ. Edinburgh Main tasks : Inversion of HCHO, CHOCHO on a global domain Derivation of global NMVOC emissions constrained by HCHO retrievals. Derivation of global natural emissions of isoprene using HCHO column data. Derivation of the missing biogenic source of CHOCHO over land using combined HCHO and CHOCHO retrievals. Evaluation and improvement of the anthropogenic CO emission inventories.
Regional Emission Estimates Service provider : KNMI Main users:SAWS (South Africa), IITM (India), MEP (China) Main tasks : Derivation of NO 2 (and O 3 ) and SO 2 emissios using CHIMERE and UV-VIS satellite data On a 25×25 km 2 resolution over China, India and South Africa
Service provider : VITO Main users:SAWS (South Africa) Main tasks : The E-MAP tool is used to grid air pollutants (e.g. NOx, SO2, PM10) as input to air quality models for different regions and at different resolutions. This tool will be extended towards South Africa as to allow spatial disaggregation of (low-resolution) regional emission inventories for South Africa derived from satellite observations to high-resolution regional inventories High resolution emission inventories for the “Regional Emission Estimates” of South Africa Left: NOx point source emissions stemming from industrial production processes (SNAP 4) Right: NOx traffic emissions (SNAP 7) disaggregated on a 5x5 km² grid.
European Emissions Estimates Service provider : TNO and KNMI Main users:EEA Main tasks : Derivation of sectoral emission estimates for NOx, SO 2 and CO for the years per country and per year, using LOTOS-EUROS model and satellite data. Investigating the effect of a new NOx emission inventory on ozone formation Verication of existing EMEP NOx, SO 2 and CO emission inventories.
FMI: Emission estimates related to aerosols Service provider : FMI Main users:MEP, SAWS, NIES, Univ. Edinburgh, EEA Main tasks : Aerosol inversion over Europe, South Africa, China and Japan using SILAM and satellite data Deriving Forest Fire emissions