Student Transitions QAA Enhancement Theme
Student Transitions Student Transitions – its an ambitious topic Relevant to all students, all staff and all institutions Transitions at the start of a programme of study: getting there and settling there Transitions during a programme of study: staying there and progressing effectively, choices and challenges Transitions at the end of a programme of study: moving on to work or further study First year of activity was about scoping the range of current practices and identifying the priority transitions for students at each institution – identifying effective practices, gaps and challenges
Student Transitions – Focus of institutional work in the first year Scoping The First Year Widening access Change Processes Colleges and articulation Placements Employability and skills The honours year International students and outward mobility Postgraduate Taught and Research transitions Technology
Student Transitions – Focus of central project work in Commissioned work: Student Transition skills and strategies (self efficacy and self reflection) Evaluation QAA Scotland Resources on supporting ‘looked after’ students Development of an on-line Student Transitions Map Gathering positive practice and areas for development from ELIR reports (QAA Scotland) Investigating work done on student transitions internationally
Student engagement with the Theme At institutional level: Membership of institutional teams Student-led projects and events, including events for students As student interns undertaking scoping/ research Theme student network (national level): Conference on ‘Supporting looked after students’ Case studies on postgraduate transitions
Themes have impact! Our International conference June 2015 Keynotes from Australia, United States and Scotland 600 delegates over three days 13 countries from Qatar to Hong Kong Over 100 parallel sessions 21 student-led workshops or papers and 19 student-led posters with 88 student delegates In June 2015: 3717 unique visitors to the website (17354 page views)
Moving into the second year of the Theme.. Evaluation of first year in progress Ongoing development of our strategic approach Aiming to encourage greater institutional collaboration, sharing and learning Continuation of work on Student Transition Skills and Strategies Ongoing development of Student Transitions Map Other commissioned work – addressing gaps Events, Theme Leaders and Student Network meetings Planning towards the Annual ET conference in June
Questions? Enhancement Themes website: +44 (0) © The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education 2015 Registered charity numbers and SC037786