Log into the website Click on ‘City News’ in the top Quick Access Toolbar
Click on ‘Media Releases’ Go to ‘Site Actions’ and then ‘View All Site Content’
Click on ‘Releases and News’
Click on ‘New’ and then on ‘New Item’
Fill in the appropriate information. Be sure to add contact info so visitors can ask questions or comment on the release (ex. name and number) When ready click ‘OK”
Quick Look: 1.Log into: 2.Click here: releases/Lists/Releases%20and%20News/AllItems.aspx (if link does not take you to the list move on to step 3) releases/Lists/Releases%20and%20News/AllItems.aspx 3.Click ‘City News’ – Media Releases- Site Actions/View All Site Action 4.Click on ‘Releases and News’ under Lists 5.Drop down menu next to ‘New’ click on ‘New Item’ 6.Fill in appropriate information 7.Click ‘OK’