Q --- Why do I believe that God’s grace should have such a powerful influence upon our lives? 1. My Personal Experience 2. The Teaching of Scripture.


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Presentation transcript:

Q --- Why do I believe that God’s grace should have such a powerful influence upon our lives? 1. My Personal Experience 2. The Teaching of Scripture

--- Jewish people who have heard about Jesus, they are contemplating become followers of Jesus, but they have not yet made that commitment --- we have access to God HEBREWS 10:19-25 The Audience The Focus because of what Jesus did

The Impact of Grace – Holy Living -God’s grace brings... SALVATION v. 22 -We “draw near” with a heart that is full of assurance... with a heart that is full of faith -Because we “draw near” with faith our hearts are sprinkled from an evil conscience... our bodies are washed with pure water

PERSEVERANCE = resolve, determination, fortitude The Impact of Grace – Holy Living -God’s grace brings... PERSEVERANCE v. 23 “Let us hold fast... without wavering”

The Impact of Grace – Holy Living -God’s grace brings... LOVE FOR OTHERS v Consider one another -Provoke one another -Do not forsake one another -Exhort one another