DTC Status Report
Status Report DTC Charter was signed on 15 September. Don Berchoff is in the process of setting up DTC Executive Committee. Likely candidates: – NWS: Don Berchoff (Chair) – OAS: Sandy MacDonald – AFWA: John Murphy (or Gen. Fred Lewis) – NCAR: Eric Barron Bill K will need to work with DTC EC to set up DTC Management Board and Advisory Board. DTC AOP 2010 will need to be reviewed and approved by the DTC Management Board and Executive Committee.
FY 2010 Budget Agencies do not have a 2010 budget. We are in continuing resolution. Agencies are not authorized to spend more than what they did in Most likely DTC will know its budget in March – April We need to be “conservative” in spending (and not to expand our efforts) until we are sure about the budget. Still hold high hope for the $2M plus-up. Whether we get the $2M or not depends on we produce a good plan for the new tasks, and getting DTC EC and MB to strongly support it. We need to establish a program plan, assign priorities to the various tasks. We will then execute the tasks based on the available budget and the DTC program priorities.
Suggested AOP 2010 time lines Following the DTC ensemble workshop, hold a DTC Task Lead Meeting on 1 October Submit the DTC AOP 2010, including budget and task description (provided by task leads) to DTC Management Board by 26 October. Submit the DTC AOP 2010 to the DTC Executive Committee by 15 November Hold DTC Management Board Meeting and EC meeting in the week of 30 Nov – 4 December Based on final DTC budget, revise the task plans to meet the budget constraints. Task leads then execute tasks according to revised plans.