Program Manager’s Review 06/25/2004 Overview of the Radiation Protection (RP) Department Five- Year Goals (From the 50,000-Foot Level)
Program Purpose Protect and preserve the radiological health of our workers, the public, and the environment.
Requirements Performance goals - ES&H ISMS: Outcome Performance Measures for FY2004 ES&H ISMS: Outcome Performance MeasuresES&H ISMS: Outcome Performance Measures Performance Measure 2.3: Exposures of personnel to ionizing radiation will be adequately controlled.Performance Measure 2.3: Exposures of personnel to ionizing radiation will be adequately controlled. Performance Measure 2.3.b: Lost or unreturned dosimeter investigations and dose assignments are carried out in a timely manner (within 90 days of the monitoring period).Performance Measure 2.3.b: Lost or unreturned dosimeter investigations and dose assignments are carried out in a timely manner (within 90 days of the monitoring period). Performance Measure 2.4.a: Radioactive materials, including contaminated and/or activated materials, are controlled at all times.Performance Measure 2.4.a: Radioactive materials, including contaminated and/or activated materials, are controlled at all times. Performance Measure 4.2.b: Low-level waste generated will be managed by the Radioactive Waste and Materials Group in compliance with applicable DOE Orders and regulatory requirementsPerformance Measure 4.2.b: Low-level waste generated will be managed by the Radioactive Waste and Materials Group in compliance with applicable DOE Orders and regulatory requirements
ES&H ISMS: Work Smart Standards ES&H ISMS: Work Smart Standards Package & Transport Radioactive Material10CFR71 Occupational Radiation Protection10CFR835; Atomic Energy Act DOE-N Radiation Protection, Public & EnvironmentDOE O 450.1, CRD (as applicable) Management of Nuclear MaterialsDOE Order 474.1A Hanford Solid Waste Acceptance CriteriaHNF EP 0063 Washington Dangerous Waste RegulationsWAC Radioactive Waste ManagementDOE-O-435.1(except 4.b.) Radioactive Waste ManagementDOE-M , Chapters I and IV (except I.1.E, IV.D.4, IV.E, IV.G.(1)(d), IV.M.(1)(c), V.M.(2)(e), IV.M.(3), IV.N.(2),V.P, IV.Q, IV.R.(1), and IV.R.(3)) Environmental ProtectionDOE O 450.1, CRD (as applicable) Environmental ProtectionDOE-O , Ch. II, paragraph 1 [except 1.a(3)(c) & 1.c], 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8a; Ch. III & IV ES&H ISMS: Work Smart Standards Requirements
SLAC-wide ES&H Goals RP Five-Year Plan Synopsis in two minutes: Advance staff education and training. Develop, acquire and use state of the art methodologies-for shielding, radiation generation, and transport calculations. Perform world-class research to meet the current & future critical needs in safety design & operation. Lead the project to properly manage tritium in groundwater. Review Sealed Source Inventory, discard non-useful sources. Continue to improve radioactive and mixed waste management programs. Help generators understand their responsibility. Explore ways to reduce generation of radioactive wastes. Continue to explore ways to proactively plan for potential waste streams. Plan the environmental clean-up program. Advance the environmental monitoring and impact assessment techniques and program. Advance the high-level dosimetry program. Enhance web based information system. Increase communication with project physicists, and Safety Coordinators. Communicate Radiation Safety Policies to customers. Have up-to-date department priority list/calendar of activities. Comparison of radiation safety policies and practices with other labs. Active participation in workshops, conferences and scientific meetings. Invitation of project physicists, beam line designers, project leaders and guest speakers to RP meetings and seminars. Cross-train group leaders in other lead fields of expertise. Improve planning for retraining of HPTs Improve the radiological safety analysis policies (Technical Basis Document) Evaluate the feasibility of using a state-of-the art Access Control System at SLAC Promote proaction in detecting emerging problems via increasing operational presence and oversight. Make electronic files of radiological surveys. Archive paper radiological surveys. Convert paper dosimetry records to electronic records. Continue to improve electronic records tracking system. Save all shipping documents in electronic format. Make forms available electronically for customers to access. Streamline the processes and enhance the capability of radioanalysis lab. Requirements
Draining of resources retrieving and processing very old paper records (individual dose reports, surveys, etc.) Expand RP Website as growing RP services and RP data management needs continue to increase. Risks/Opportunities
Convert as many RP records to electronic format as feasible. Add a customer-feedback feature to the RP Department Website. Move the whole RP Department into one building. Goals to fill gaps and mitigate risks
Other goals and opportunities for the ES&H Division Make RP electronic records compatible linkable, searchable, and accessible with other ES&H Division and SLAC Institutional Database files.
Our Department Five-Year Goals quantized: “ Radddd “ Physics, not bad physics…. and TOP-erational Health Physics, not Slop-erational Health Physics