Safe Routes to School Helping more children bicycle and walk to school.
Walk, Bike, or Roll - Benefits Increases physical activity Reduces traffic congestion & air pollution Reduces busing costs / Mike Cynecki Photo Credit: John Corrigan
How Safe Routes to School Can Help Training to teach bicycle education skills to children (held in the fall) Training to teach crossing guard techniques to adults (held in the spring) Classroom lesson plans to teach bicycle and pedestrian safety to K-8 students (download at Photo Credit: Brian Ferry
How Safe Routes to School Can Help Promotion of Walk or Roll to School Day (1st Wednesday in October) Walkability audits provide a professional assessment of walking routes near a school Noninfrastructure grants to promote, educate, and encourage students to walk and bike to school
Apply Now for Grant Funding Funding for activities that promote, educate, evaluate, and enforce safe walking and bicycling to schools. Go to for a list of funded activities. Applications are due November 15. Interested schools must first conduct two types of evaluations of parents and students in October. Noninfrastructure grant funding is available from the PA Safe Routes to School Resource Center.
Pennsylvania Safe Routes to School Resource Center (717) (ask for Safe Routes)