Learning from HE: Feedback from the UKSG Conference 09 Jo Hunter Oxford Health Care Libraries 30 September 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Learning from HE: Feedback from the UKSG Conference 09 Jo Hunter Oxford Health Care Libraries 30 September 2009

Background 3-day conference in Torquay, 30 March – 1 April delegates: Vendors and librarians Majority of librarians from academic organisations One known NHS librarian Huge exhibition: 90 stands

Why did I want to go? ‘Discovered’ UKSG on the Web Had been in post for < 6 months, needed to find out more University: How to fit in with OULS policy whilst getting best value NHS: More flexibility, but still need to know about getting best value.

Conference Hot Topics Web 2.0 technologies Moving to e-only How do people use e-books? Journal spend and use The Big Deal

Hot Topic: Web 2.0 Technologies Relevant to NHS e-learning Student learning has changed group work, digital assets Research has changed technology can drive achievements More research-led learning easy access, no need to wait.

Hot Topic: Moving to e-only Practical tips from Sarah Pearson, University of Birmingham: Don’t expect to go completely e Usage is important, but don’t forget feedback Big Deals - pros and cons Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate.

Hot Topic: How do people use e-books? Findings from JISC National e-Books Observatory Project 85% of users spend <1 minute per page No negative impact on sales of hard copies Report from University of Toronto Library – difficult to publicise e-books

Hot Topic: Journal spend and use Preliminary data from RIN-funded project in UK Big Q: Has an increase in access to journals led to higher productivity? More references per paper More papers found via gateways Association OR causation?

Hot Topic: The Big Deal Jill Taylor-Roe, University of Newcastle Big Deals historically p+e Findings from survey of librarians: simplifies admin, stable platform, good value pricing too complex, lack of clarity Budget shortfall – how are we coping? Message to publishers – offer more.

Breakout Sessions I enjoyed A student’s personal perspective on accessing academic information message to publishers – get onto Google message to librarians – teach “credulity control” E-Journals and preservation discuss post-cancellation access COUNTER in context

Overall Impression Very big Friendly, with good social events Cross-section of people concerned with publication, distribution and use of journals Need more on health care/NHS

Keeping up-to-date UKSG website Conference presentations and reports The E-Resources Management Handbook LIS-ERESOURCES list Join UKSG (£ p.a.) Serials e-news Reduced rates for UKSG events and training

Beyond UKSG: My (current) favourite feeds Musings about Librarianship keeping track of interesting and cool ideas for the benefit of library users Research Information Network how UK researchers create and use information resources and services Krafty Librarian things of interest to a medical librarian The Scholarly Kitchen what’s hot and cooking in scholarly publishing.