February 8, 2009A. Yener1 Student Committee Report Aylin Yener, Penn State Presented at the Officers meeting, ITA, UCSD
February 8, 2009A. Yener2 Outline Previous Events: – ISIT 2008 – Allerton 2008 Upcoming Events: – CISS 2009, ISIT 2009 Forward look Second Annual School of Information Theory Update
February 8, 2009A. Yener3 ISIT 2008, Toronto July 7, 2008: we organized a research discussion round table event for all participating students students attended the lunch event. Discussion leaders were: –Graphical models - Alex Dimakis (UC Berkeley) –Source coding - Krish Eswaran (UC Berkeley) –Feedback - Ramji Venkataramanan (University of Michigan) –Interference and Secrecy - Xiang He (Penn State) –Relaying - Bobak Nazer (UC Berkeley) –Distributed detection and estimation - Anima Anandkumar (Cornell) –Scaling laws - Awlok Josan (University of Michigan) –Zero-error Information Theory - Salim El Rouayheb (Texas A&M) –Optimization - Chee Wei Tan (Princeton)
February 8, 2009A. Yener4 ISIT 2008, Toronto (2) July 10, 2008: we organized a panel discussion titled “What Makes a Great Researcher?” Panelist were: Tom Cover and Andrea Goldsmith of Stanford, Sergio Verdu of Princeton University, Alon Orlitsky of UCSD and Alexander Barg of University of Maryland attendees. Lunch provided; free IT student committee T-shirts were distributed to the participants.
February 8, 2009A. Yener5 Allerton 2008 Joint event with the Outreach Committee Panel on Mentoring at Allerton library. Panelist were: Todd Coleman (UIUC), Elza Erkip (Poly), Olgica Milenkovic (UIUC), Roy Yates (Rutgers), and Aylin Yener (Penn State). It was a good and interactive discussion.
February 8, 2009A. Yener6 Upcoming Events CISS 09, probably a round table research event ISIT 09, round table, panel ?
February 8, 2009A. Yener7 Membership Update Retired members: Brooke Shrader, Lalitha Sankar, Nan Liu New members: Student co- chair: Krish Eswaran (UCB); member: Deniz Gunduz (Princeton/Stanford), Xiang He (Penn State); Web: Matthieu Bloch (Notre Dame)
February 8, 2009A. Yener8 Forward look: Volunteers –We need to reach out to more volunteers to actively participate. –Potential new members need to be sought as the current ones transition to post-student life. Web –Integration to the new ITSoc site.
February 8, 2009A. Yener9 Update: Second Annual School of Information Theory
February 8, 2009A. Yener10 Organizing Committee for 2009 Aylin Yener, Penn State Gerhard Kramer, USC Daniela Tuninetti, UIC Randy Berry, Northwestern Dongning Guo, Northwestern Natasha Devroye, UIC Yalin Sagduyu, Northwestern Matthieu Bloch, Notre Dame
February 8, 2009A. Yener11 Goals and Procedure: same as 2008! Any graduate student or post-doc eligible to apply. Students apply for the school with their presentation/poster title. Students will each give a 10min talk or present a poster. Cap:100 students. No registration Fee. Ideally: NO COST to attendees. Reality: As allowed by travel grants. New for 2009: Lodging available in the dorms.
February 8, 2009A. Yener12 Organization Update Northwestern classrooms will be used. Instructor list almost complete. Application deadline set. Fundraising: 10k from ITSoc; otherwise: lots of effort, no outcome yet
February 8, 2009A. Yener13 Calendar, Location for 2009 The Second Annual School of Information Theory will take place August 10– August 13, Thursday 2009 at the Northwestern University Campus, Evanston IL.
February 8, 2009A. Yener14
February 8, 2009A. Yener15 Keynote and Instructors Keynote: Robert Gallager Instructors: –Bruce Hajek –Dan Costello –? (perhaps)
February 8, 2009A. Yener Budget (100 students, 4 days) Lunches total: $ 8000 Wednesday Barbecue: $ 3500 Breaks total: $ 4000 Breakfasts total: $ 4500 Easels, poster boards, badges, registration packets, mutimedia, … $ 4000 Instructor travel support $ 3500 Contingency $ 2500 TOTAL 30k, not including student travel grants. Most expensive item: food (as in 2008). Students pay for lodging and dinners. +
February 8, 2009A. Yener17 Funding Status Society: 10k commitment (Sept 08) NSF might come through for travel support. Motion: We request (upto 10k) more commitment from the society at this time.