Christoph Blume University of Heidelberg International School on: Quark-Gluon Plasma and Heavy Ion Collisions: Past, Present, Future Villa Gualino, Turino, Italy Soft Probes II Christoph Blume University of Heidelberg
Observables Temperature Strangeness Resonances Femtoscopy Fluctuations Chemical Freeze-Out Kinetic Freeze-Out Temperature Femtoscopy Fluctuations Flow Jets + Heavy Flavor Photons Strangeness Resonances
Strangeness in Heavy Ion Physics Strangeness enhancement as a QGP signature J. Rafelski and B. Müller, PRL48, 1066 (1982) P. Koch, B. Müller, and J. Rafelski, Phys. Rep. 142, 167 (1986) Strangeness has to be produced (no s-Quarks in nucleons) Thresholds are high in hadronic reactions, e.g..: N + N N + K+ + (Ethres 700 MeV) Fast equilibration in a QGP via partonic processes, e.g. gluon-fusion ⇒ Enhancement of strange particle production in A+A relative to p+p expected (in particular multi-strange particles)
Statistical Models Multiplicities determined by statistical weights (⇒ chemical equilibrium) Grand-canonical partition function: ⇒ Parameters: V, T, μB, γS Details: see F. Becattini’s lecture A.Andronic et al. PLB673, 142 (2009) F.Becattini et al., PRC69, 024905 (2004)
Hadronic Transport Models Microscopic approach Hadronic degrees of freedom Non-equilibrium Production mechanisms: Measured and parameterized cross sections String-excitation and fragmentation Medium effects, Multi-meson fusion, Mass shifts, ... Pb+Pb @ √sNN = 17.3 GeV UrQMD Examples: UrQMD HSD NEXUS (AMPT) (EPOS) ...
Strange Particles
Major Strangeness Carriers: Kaons and Lambdas Strangeness Conservation = Isospin Symmetry K0 (ds) K+ (us) K- (us) (uds) >> If baryon density is high
Measurement of Charged Kaons via dE/dx Bethe-Bloch function:
Combination of dE/dx and Time-Of-Flight (TOF)
Weak Decay Topologies V0 Topology (K0s, Λ): Ξ- (Cascade) Ω- Topology:
Strangeness Production in a Pion-Proton Event - K0 p + Associated production:
Strangeness Production in a Heavy Ion Event
Reconstruction via Decay Topology NA49 NA57 NA57
Armenteros-Podolanski Plot
Strangeness Enhancement (SPS) NA57: JPG32, 427 (2006)
Strangeness Enhancement (RHIC) STAR: PRC77, 044908 (2008)
Enhancement Towards Lower Energies √sNN (GeV) Contrary to naive expectation Same behavior for multi-strange particles?
Particle Ratios in p+p: RHIC and LHC Increase of relative strangeness production in p+p with √s ALICE: arXiv:1012.3257
Ξ at Threshold Energies Expectation for statistical model (Andronic et al.) HADES: PRL103, 132301 (2009)
Strangeness Enhancement as QGP Signature ? Is it a dominantly partonic effect or can hadronic processes lead to the same fast equilibration? Multi-meson fusion processes C. Greiner and S. Leupold, J. Phys. G 27, L95 (2001) Dynamic equilibration at the phase boundary? P. Braun-Munzinger, J. Stachel, and C. Wetterich, Phys. Lett. B 596, 61 (2004) Hadronization generally a statistical phenomenon? U. Heinz, Nucl. Phys. A 638, 357c (1998), R. Stock, Phys. Lett. B 456, 277 (1999)
Energy Dependence of K/π Ratios Quite sharp maximum in K+/π+ ratio Indication for phase transition (?) PRC77, 024903 (2008) arXiv:1007.2613
Energy Dependence of Hyperon/π Ratios / − -/ +/ = 1.5 (+ + -) PRC78, 034918 (2008)
Maximum of Relative Strangeness Production
Chemical Freeze-Out Curve
Chemical Freeze-Out in the QCD Phase Diagram
Rapidity Distributions ... BRAHMS: Au+Au, √sNN = 200 GeV
Landau ... p+p Data Prediction: dN/dy is Gaussian of a width given by: Pion production ~ Entropy Isentropic expansion Description of the pion gas as a 3D relativistic fluid Prediction: dN/dy is Gaussian of a width given by: L. D. Landau, Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 17 (1953) 52 P. Carruthers and M. Duong-Van, PRD8 (1973) 859
Landau ... works also for Heavy Ions BRAHMS: PRL94, 162301 (2005)
Width of the Φ Rapidity Distribution Expectation for kaon coalescence K+ + K- → Φ PRC78, 044907 (2008)
Radial Expansion and Transverse Momentum Spectra mT 1/mT dN/dmT mT 1/mT dN/dmT No radial flow: exponential spectrum (p+p collisions) With radial flow: add. boost by expansion (vT) ⇒ blue shifted spectrum
Blast Wave Analysis of Particle Spectra Central Pb+Pb 158A GeV E. Schnedermann and U. Heinz, PRC50, 1675 (1994)
Energy Dependence of Kinetic Freeze-Out arXiv:1007.2613
Energy Dependence of 〈mT〉 NA49: PRC77, 024903 (2008)
Radial Expansion of Strange Particles What about heavy particles (Ξ, Ω, J/ψ) ? NA57: JPG32, 2065 (2006)
Radial Expansion of Strange Particles Particles with low hadronic cross sections: Ξ, Ω, J/ψ ⇒ Not sensitive to flow in hadronic, but maybe to partonic phase N. Xu and M. Kaneta, NPA698, 306 (2002) 306.
Radial Expansion of Strange Particles Multi-strange particles sensitive to the partonic flow contribution (?) STAR: PRL92, 182301 (2004)
Resonances Strong decays ⇒ short lifetimes that can be in the order of the fireball lifetime Examples: K(892) → K+ + π - : cτ = 3.91 fm Φ(1020) → K+ + K- : cτ = 46.5 fm Σ-(1385) → Λ + π - : cτ = 5.08 fm Λ(1520) → p + K- : cτ = 12.7 fm Should be sensitive to the late phase of the hadronic fireball Regeneration Rescattering of decay products ⇒ Provide information on the time span between chemical and kinetic freeze-out
Recombination and Rescattering of Resonances Hot and dense medium Particle yields Particle spectra Time K* π K Picture adapted from C. Markert and P. Fachini
Measurement of Resonances: Σ(1385) and Λ(1520) STAR: PRC71, 064902 (2005)
Rescattering after Chemical Freeze-Out STAR: PRC71, 064902 (2005)
Comparison to Chemical Equilibrium Expectation Pb+Pb, √sNN = 17.3 GeV Pb+Pb, √sNN = 17.3 GeV NA49: pub. in preparation HGM: F. Becattini et al.
Scaling Properties of the Φ Meson No scaling with K+ × K- (coalescence picture) Scaling with (s-Quarks)2 Φ = ss K+ ∝ s-Quarks K- + Λ ∝ s-Quarks _
K+/π + and Λ/π – Compared to Statistical Model A. Andronic et al., PLB676, 142 (2009)
Energy Dependence of K/π Ratios Quite sharp maximum in K+/π+ ratio Indication for phase transition (?) PRC77, 024903 (2008)
Antibaryon-Baryon Ratios NA49: PRC78, 034918 (2008)
Baryon-Meson Ratio: Λ/K0s Λ/K0s > 1: Cannot be understood in string fragmentation picture
Hadronization Mechanisms Fragmentation (Lund model) String fragments via qq creation Original parton momentum is divided among resulting partons _ Quark coalescence Hadrons form by combining quarks from quark soup (QGP) Would be dominating at intermediate pt
Fragmentation vs Coalescence Hadron from fragmentation: ph = z p, z < 1 coalescence: ph = p1 + p2 Production of baryons favored relative to mesons in coalescence picture
Baryon-Meson Ratio: Ω(sss)/Φ(ss) _ Baryon-Meson Ratio: Ω(sss)/Φ(ss)