United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Perspectives on Technical Support Organizations IAEA Meeting on TSO Challenges Aix-en-Provence, France April 26, 2007 Mark Cunningham, Director Division of Fuels, Engineering, and Radiological Research Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Issues Facing TSOs2 Background The NRC makes use of a variety of technical support organizations The NRC makes use of a variety of technical support organizations The Energy Reorganization Act of 1975 establishes the fundamental role of a within-regulatory-agency TSO – the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research – for: The Energy Reorganization Act of 1975 establishes the fundamental role of a within-regulatory-agency TSO – the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research – for: –“developing recommendations deemed necessary for performance of its licensing and related regulatory functions,” and –“engaging in research necessary for the performance of its licensing and related regulatory functions.”
Issues Facing TSOs3 Background The NRC’s “Principles of Good Regulation” define standards for all of its work, including its research program. The NRC’s “Principles of Good Regulation” define standards for all of its work, including its research program. –Independence –Openness –Efficiency –Clarity –Reliability
Issues Facing TSOs4 The Functions of NRC’s Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Confirming the technical basis for regulatory decisions Confirming the technical basis for regulatory decisions Assessing technical issues Assessing technical issues Developing methods and tools Developing methods and tools Looking for emerging technologies and issues Looking for emerging technologies and issues Translating technical information into regulatory guidance Translating technical information into regulatory guidance
Issues Facing TSOs5 Confirming the Technical Basis fire barrier performance fire barrier performance –Potential issues with performance of Thermo- Lag and other barrier systems –Confirmatory studies HEMYC performance HEMYC performance Cable performance Cable performance –Potential for multi- conductor cable failures in fires –Confirmatory studies CAROLFIRE tests CAROLFIRE tests
Issues Facing TSOs6 Assessing Technical Issues Chemical effects Chemical effects –ACRS identified issue Potential chemical interactions between containment spray additives and insulation Potential chemical interactions between containment spray additives and insulation –NRC studies Chemical interactions Chemical interactions Sump performance Sump performance Downstream effects Downstream effects
Issues Facing TSOs7 Developing Methods and Tools Human reliability analysis methods for radioactive material uses Human reliability analysis methods for radioactive material uses –Job aids –Training tools SPAR models SPAR models –Significance determination process –Generic safety issues –License amendment reviews –Incident investigation Unsafe acts Local workplace factors Organizational & macro-ergonomic factors Injuries Hazards Defenses Latent condition pathways Causes Investigation
Issues Facing TSOs8 Looking for Emerging Issues Reactor operations beyond 60 years Reactor operations beyond 60 years –Investigation of, and proactive response to, materials issues that could emerge after 60 years
Issues Facing TSOs9 Developing Regulatory Guidance Regulatory Guide Regulatory Guide –Translates technical information into one acceptable approach for meeting requirements Recent improvements Recent improvements –Update of 29 guides –Technical topics include Site-specific seismic ground motion Site-specific seismic ground motion Environmental qualification of I&C systems Environmental qualification of I&C systems
Issues Facing TSOs10 Summary The Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research was established to provide a within-NRC capability for The Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research was established to provide a within-NRC capability for –Independent technical insight –Issue assessment –Method and tool development –Future issue identification –Regulatory guidance promulgation
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