The Urban Institute NNIP AND FEDERAL FUNDING The Business of Community Information Kathy Pettit, The Urban Institute May 13, 2011
The Urban Institute Federal Funding Helped Many Partners with Early Technology Technology Opportunities Program –Department of Commerce demonstration program for new technologies to provide public information 1994: Oakland 1999: Providence 2001: Minneapolis 2002: Indianapolis, Los Angeles 2003: New Orleans 2004: Program ends
The Urban Institute Federal Funding for Cross-site Projects Neighborhoods and Health: Building Evidence for Local Policy (2003) –Health and Human Services; 4 sites Reentry Mapping Network (2006) – National Institutes of Justice; 12 sites Addressing the Foreclosure Crisis: Action Oriented Research in Three Cities (2009) – Fannie Mae/FHFA; 3 sites Several more proposals not funded (NSF, USDA)
The Urban Institute Sources of Funding for Local NNIP Partners, Fall 2009 Sources of revenue Percent of partners (n=25) State/Local Government68% Local Foundations64% National Foundations48% Other Nonprofits48% Universities44% United Way36% Federal Government32% Commercial/Private Business24%
The Urban Institute Obama’s Federal Place-based Initiatives Central to Obama urban policies; RFP focus on measuring need and progress –Neighborhood Stabilization Program (particularly NSP2) –Promise Neighborhoods –Sustainable Communities –Choice Neighborhoods –Many others... Funding scaled back in 2011 budget, but still significant
The Urban Institute How Do We Increase Federal Support for NNIP Network and Local Partners?
The Urban Institute Document NNIP Influence Consolidated pages with mix of general NNIP references and local participation Catalog of locations of major programs –Any interest in adding whether NNIP partners receive funding or participate without direct funding? “Stories” of NNIP partners supporting federal programs
The Urban Institute
Increase NNIP Visibility Participate in large federal conferences –Neighborhood Revitalization Conference (July 2011) –NIJ Crime Mapping (rescheduled - September 2011) –Federal Reserve Neighborhood Stabilization conference (Fall 2011) Comment on draft RFPs by NNIP partnership Other ideas?
The Urban Institute Promote Peer Learning Share proposal language about support and dissemination opportunities of NNIP network Share federal proposal texts after-the-fact Connect partners who are already working on the same initiatives Organize webinars with tips from partner staff with successful track record –But challenge of helping potential competitors? Other ideas?
The Urban Institute Discussion Questions What capacities do partners need to have in place to either apply for federal funding directly or be included in proposals from other organizations who are applying? Are there any drawbacks or cautions to getting federal funding – directly or pass-through? Do partners in cities already supporting certain place-based federal programs see value in networking with each other? What are ways to communicate about common challenges and approaches?
The Urban Institute NNIP AND FEDERAL FUNDING The Business of Community Information Kathy Pettit, The Urban Institute May 13, 2011