“Napoleon in 1792” (painting by Philippoteaux)
“Napoleon on the Arcole Bridge” (Italy) (painting by Gros, 1797)
“Buonaparte Visiting the Plaguehouse at Jaffa, 11 March 1799” (painting by Gros, 1804)
Flight from Egypt (British cartoon,1799)
“Napoleon at the Great St “Napoleon at the Great St. Bernard Pass” (Alps) (painting by David, 1800)
“Napoleon Crossing the Alps” (painting by Delaroche, 1850)
“Napoleon as First Consul” (painting by Ingres, 1804)
Coronation rehearsal (1804)
“Consecration of Napoleon I” (painting by David, 1804)
“Consecration of Napoleon I” (detail)
“Empress Josephine at Malmaison” (painting by Gérard, 1799)
Queen Marie-Louise (of Austria) and the King of Rome
Napoleon as King of Italy
“Napoleon on the Imperial Throne” (painting by Ingres, 1806)
Volta experiments (1801)
Napoleon visits textile manufacturer (1802)
Awarding medals to artists (1808)
Promenade at Longchamps (1801)
Concordat with the Catholic church (1801) (Relief from Napoleon’s tombstone)
Napoleon as lawgiver (Civil Code, 1804)
Joseph Fouché, Prefect of Police of Paris
Distribution of flags on the Champs de Mars (1804)
Conscripts (1807)
Review day under the empire (1810)
“Napoleon on the Battlefield at Eylau, February 9, 1807” (painting by Gros, 1808)
“The Battle for Moscow” (painting by David, 1812)
“Retreat of the Grand Army from Russia” (1812) (painting by Meissionier, 1861)
“Napoleon in His Study” (painting by David, 1812)
“Napoleon at Fontainebleau, April 2, 1814” (painting by Delaroche, 1840)
Napoleon in Elba (cartoon)
Napoleon at Waterloo (1815)
“Napoleon in Exile in 1820” (painting by Vernet)
Napoleonic myth