New Cool Inventions By Emily Tran
The 3D Home Printer The 3D Home Printer is a printer that can print 3D objects like shoes.
The Control A Man Remote Even though it’s a gag gift, the Control A Man Remote can make your partner do whatever you want.
The London Map Umbrella The London Map Umbrella helps you to never get lost again in London. A very detailed map is printed on it.
The cardboard smartphone projector The cardboard smartphone projector is like a camera except it can show videos a lot bigger.
The sign language transforming into speech gloves. These gloves can transfer sign language to speech! These gloves consists of sensors.
The Active Contact Lenses Active Contact Lenses allows you to do things virtually like watching TV without opening your eyes.
The NeverWet Spray The NeverWet Spray allows you to never get wet even if you plunge in the ocean.
The iBamboo Speaker The iBamboo Speaker is 100% natural and electricity free speaker for your phone.
The Bend Desk The BendDesk is a working station and a computer all at once.