LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory1 Modeling the Input Optics using E2E S. Yoshida, R. Dodda, T. Findley, K.Rogillio, and N. Jamal, Southeastern Louisiana University – Acknowledgement – LIGO Livingston Observatory, SURF 2004, NSF B. Bhawal, M. Evans, V. Sannibale, and H. Yamamoto
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory2 Objectives A simulation model will be very convenient to study the impact of ground motion on the input optics, and on the input beam. Therefore, we seek to do the following: 1. Build an IO box using E2E. 2. Integrate it with the Simligo. 3. Run simulation with realistic ground motion.
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory3 The Process 1.Make an Small Optic Suspension (SOS) box, and validate it. 2.Use the SOS box to damp the motion of an optic when realistic ground motion is given. 3.Create a Mode Cleaner (MC) box, and try to lock the cavity when realistic ground motion is given to the Mode Cleaner optics. 4.Put all the optics ( MCs, SM, and MMTs ) in order, and create the Input Optic (IO) box. 5.Use the IO box in Simligo, and run the simulation for the entire detector.
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory4 Validating SOS – Role of the Table Top motion MC1 Yaw motion using two different schemes Schematic diagram of the SOS box with HAM motion as input
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory5 Calculating table’s Yaw HAM stack box dt ACCX X in Y in Table u Table v )( 0 )( ),(,),( xktiykti eAtxveAtyu )( 21 kkk Table yaw = )},(),({ 2 1 )( txviktyu x v y u )},(),(){(txvtyuki HAM table Vibration isolation stacks Accelerometer
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory6 Dependence of k on frequency
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory7 Calculating the suspension point motions of the optics u(x,y)= U - yq v(x,y)= V + xq U: table’s center of mass translational motion V: table’s center of mass translational motion q: table’s yaw motion U V q MMT3 (-0.8, 0.6) (0, 0) MC3 (0.75, -0.05) MC1 (0.75, -0.25) SM (0.75, 0.45) MMT1 (0.1, 0.4)
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory8 MC2 and MC3 MC2 Pend MC2 Yaw MC3 Pend MC3 Yaw
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory9 MC1 pendular motion with local damping
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory10 Mode Cleaner box – Preliminary Results
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory11 IO box with the full Detector box
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M LIGO Laboratory12 Conclusions l HAM table motion estimated from the ACC[XY] DAQ signal l MC1, MC3 local damping optimized l MC box constructed and being tested l Combination of MC and IFO in progress