IV. Kinematics of Fluid Motion
Contents 1. Specification of Fluid Motion 2. Material Derivatives 3. Geometric Representation of Flow 4. Terminology 5. Motion and Deformation of Fluid Element 6. Rotational and Potential Flows 7. Continuity Equation
1. Specification of Fluid Motion
Lagrangian View Study fluid motion by tracing the motion of fluid particles
Identify a representative fluid particle Determine its position instantaneously Determine the velocity and acceleration Determine other physical quantities
Eulerian View Study fluid motion by investigating the temporal and spatial variation of the flow field
2. Material Derivatives
Definition The rate of change one observed when following the motion of a fluid particle
Local / Temporal Advective / Spatial Material Derivative
Acceleration of Fluid particles
3. Geometric Representation of Flow
A pathline is the trajectory of a fluid particle
Mathematical representation
A streamline is a line whose tangent always represents the direction of velocity
Mathematical representation
Example Find the pathline and streamline of the following flow field:
Streamline is identical to pathline if the velocity is invariable with time In general, streamlines will not intercross and will not end at a solid wall, etc.
4. Terminology
Discharge and Mass flux
Streamtube, Stream filament, Total flow
Fluid system and Control volume
Steady flow and Unsteady flow
Uniform flow and Non-uniform flow
The streamlines of a uniform flow is necessarily straight lines and parallel to each other
Gradually-varying flow and Rapidly-varying flow Curvature of all streamlines are small Curvature of all streamlines are small Streamlines are nearly parallel Streamlines are nearly parallel
5. Motion and Deformation of Fluid Elements
Motion of a fluid element can be decomposed into Translation Translation Rotation Rotation Deformation Deformation
The translation is described by
The rotation is described by
The angular velocity
The deformation is described by
Rate of strain
Helmholtz’s theorem of velocity decomposition
Translation Rotation Deformation
6. Rotational and Potential Flows
Physical Interpretation
Velocity Potential Irrotational flowPotential flow
7. Continuity Equation
Conservation of Mass: Mass in a closed system is invariant
Net outflow of mass through the surface of the control volume
Decrease of mass within the control volume
Mass Conservation
For incompressible fluid Bulk expansion
Continuity Equation for Steady Total Flows SoSo SeSe
Continuity Equation for Potential Flows