Swiss mathematician and physicist
Born : February 8, 1700, Groningen Netherland Died : March 17, 1782, Basel Switzerland Education : Universality of Basel Parents : Dorathea Falkner, Johann Bernoulli Siblings : Nicolaus II Bernoulli Uncles : Jacob Bernoulli DATA :
FACTS : Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss Mathematicians and physicist and was one of the many prominent mathematicians in the Bernoulli family.
Around schooling age, his father, Johann, encouraged him to study business, there being poor rewards awaiting a mathematician. Daniel refused, because he wanted to study mathematics. He later gave in to his father's wish and studied business. His father then asked him to study in medicines, and Daniel agreed under the condition that his father would teach him mathematics privately, which they continued for some times. His earliest mathematical work was the Exercitations (Mathematical Exercises), published in 1724 with the help of Goldbach. Two years later he pointed out for the first time the frequent desirability of resolving a compound motion into motions of translation and motion of rotation. In Hydrodynamic (1738) he laid the basis for the kinetic theory of gases, and applied the idea to explain Boyle's law ] ]