1. Market—who is the target market? Define clearly—demographic, geographic, lifestyle Different niches 2.Mission—what is the purpose? Awareness Features Prestige Other? adapted from What is Marketing? HBS press KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR MARCOM ADAPTED FROM WHAT IS MARKETING?
3. Message—what benefits are you communicating? Tell a compelling story (for target market) Utilize peer network Differentiate from competitors 4. Media—which media will you use? Consider the budget Figure out what is newsworthy— Utilize the media target market consumes adapted from What is Marketing? HBS press KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR MARCOM
5. Money/Budget How can you get the most for your dollar? How much money is available? How will you justify the expenditure? 6. Measurement What is required in your business environment? How will you measure your success? adapted from What is Marketing? HBS press KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR MARCOM
Initiator—recognizes the problem to be solved Decider—makes the choice Influencer—has input although doesn’t make final choice Purchaser—actually does the transaction/buys User—consumers of the product or service Gatekeeper--applies to B2B marketing --allows or prevents access to decision maker DECISION MAKING UNIT
Press Releases (see samples on Course Page) Websites Social Media Direct Marketing & Mailings Cold Calls Media Tours and/or Trials Collateral Materials Special Events—trade shows, conferences PUBLIC RELATIONS TOOLS
Speaking Engagements Sponsorships Employee Relationships Investor Relations Government Relations Community Relations & Philanthropy PUBLIC RELATIONS TOOLS
Advertising Tell a story Problem solve Generate an emotional response—DRAMATIZE! Febreze makes stinky stuff smell better! 18.2% increase in sales in 10 weeks! (P&G brand) www. by Jerry McLaughlin (7/11/12) Sales Promotions Premium prices Buy one, get one free Coupons Rewards/loyalty cards Product demonstrations
The Third Screen 1. TV 2. Computers 3. Mobile Phones MOBILE MARKETING
Definition: a public relations announcement issued to the news media and other online or targeted publications to let people know about new products or services and/or company developments. It’s FREE PUBLICITY PRESS RELEASE
News story can be almost a recommendation (a positive one) Multiple stories from one press release Real prospects can result (maybe more than from ads)! BENEFITS FROM PRESS RELEASES
“Release 6.0 doubles the level of functionality available, providing organizations of all sizes with a fast-to-deploy, highly robust and easy-to-use solution to better acquire, retain and serve customers.” PROBLEMS: sounds like an ad not newsworthy says little (non-specific) EXAMPLE OF WHAT NOT TO WRITE IN PRESS RELEASE
Must be newsworthy Should sound like a reporter wrote it who, what, where, when, how, why Include good quotes Internal sources (CEO) External sources (3 rd party) Make personal contact with news outlets Have an up-to-date list of outlets (relevant to product/service) SEE COURSE PAGE for examples of press releases ESSENTIALS OF PRESS RELEASES