Issues Related to Global Information Systems A business can’t just worry about its home- country laws, rules and regulations. If a business has global.


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Presentation transcript:

Issues Related to Global Information Systems A business can’t just worry about its home- country laws, rules and regulations. If a business has global operations, it must also take into account the laws, rules and regulations of the country (countries) where it conducts business.

GLOBAL INFORMATION ISSUES Businesses must have the appropriate levels of authentication, access control, and encryption in place, to ensure… 1.That only individuals can gain access to the network 2.That they have access to applications for which they are 3.That information cannot be understood or altered while in transit

GLOBAL INFORMATION ISSUES Deperimeterization - occurs when an organization moves employees outside its firewall, a growing movement to change the way corporations address technology security Companies should focus on beefing up security in and an organization's critical information assets – Your technology can’t always sit behind a firewall. End-users need to

Information Privacy Transborder data flows (TDF) occur when business data flows across international boundaries over the telecommunications networks of global information systems Many countries view TDF as their – China, North Korea, Syria, Libya and others limit Internet access. – The has some of the strictest regulations regarding transborder data flows.

European Union Privacy Directives Any organization processing personal data of a person living in the EU must comply with key principles: 1.Data must be fairly and lawfully processed 2.Processed for limited purposes 3.Adequate, relevant, and not excessive 4.A 5.Not than necessary 6.Processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights 7.Not transferred to countries without In the European Union, you have the right to: 1.Know the of personal data processing and the of that processing. 2.Access and/or in one’s own personal information. 3.Disallow the use of personal data (collected about you) A “safe harbor” program has been created where US companies of their compliance with EU directives so that they can conduct business with EU nations without worrying about being sued by EU citizens.