Entrepreneurship Club Make Friends Make Fortunes Make Your Future! Jiren Lei, Director Drucker School of Management Claremont Graduate University
BIO Jiren Lei is an MBA student (class of 2008) in the Drucker School. Jiren Lei began studying MBA in Philadelphia in Summer 2006 and transferred to CGU in Spring Jiren grew up in China and got his Bachelor of Engineering in Tianjin University. He worked in Hi-tech industries in China and had experience in marketing, international trading, startup team building, business plan writing and financing negotiation. He also successfully led a startup team and acquired investment for his business plan. He has interests in Internet, e- commerce, IT, telecom, electronics, media, and international trading. His hobbies include table-tennis, badminton, and traveling.
Mission To create a platform for members-- to find startup partners and to be found to interact with the Drucker Alumni entrepreneurs and local business community, to study theories and cases on startups, to understand venture capital and financing negotiation, to explore the changing business environment, to meet angel investors and VC managers to find real business opportunities for startups!
Organization Director Assistant Director Treasurer Secretary Industry Teams IT, Biotech, Electronics, Internet and e-commerce, International trading, service, and others Function Teams: Business plan writing, Financing, Technology, market research, and others
Events Visit local companies Interact with entrepreneurs and alumni -- Coordination with Melinda (Drucker Alumni Office), Paul (Drucker Career Office)CGU Office of Career ervices Business plan workshop and competition preparation Business dinner (with entrepreneurs and alumni) Business review on startup cases Guest Speakers Group study - Financing negotiation skills study - Industry information study - new technologies introduction - International business environment introduction
Membership No Membership Fee! ---- We are supported by the Drucker School. Eligibility: Students in Drucker School CGU students Claremont Colleges Students Drucker Alumni
Cooperation Drucker and CGU Alumni Associations Drucker Institute Venture Financing Institute Local business associations Entrepreneurship Clubs in B-schools in LA i.e. UCLA, USC, UCI,UCR, Pepperdine
Support Advisor--Drucker Professor CGU faculty and staff Career service office –Drucker and CGU Alumni relationship office –Drucker and CGU DSSA Other Drucker Clubs Thank you! Join e-club today: