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Presentation transcript:


CONTENTS 3 – Project Brief 4 - Communication 5 – Speech Bubble Quote 6 – Initial Designs pt.1 7 – Printscreens 8 – Final Design pt.1 9 – Final Design pt Evaluation

PROJECT BRIEF For this project we had to design and create a series of Typographical posters using photoshop. To begin we created a poster that had to have a speech bubble poster that we chose and layer it with the quote that we chose from a list. We had to include 12 different fonts, 9 colours and 5 different sizes. For the final part of the project we was asked to create a final typographical piece of work based on a quote of our choice but, it had to include 3 shapes

COMMUNICATION Communication with others works in 3 ways: Thought: A concept, Idea, Information or feelings of the sender Encoding: Message sent to the receiver in words or symbols Decoding: The receiver translates the words or symbols into a concept that the person can understand SENDER ——> MESSAGE ——> RECEIVER Oral Communication: Referring to spoken verbal communication, can also include visual aids and non verbal elements Non Verbal Communication: Referring to body language, posture or facial expression Written Communication: Communication has evolved through the progression of technology over the years and can be divided into 3 revolutions: - Writing in the form of pictographs (Not Mobile) - Writing on paper, papyrus, clay and wax (Mobile) - Controlled Waves (Radio, Infra Red, Microwave)

SPEECH BUBBLE QUOTE I chose to do the quote which related to education because it was the longest quote we could choose from. As we had to use 12 different font’s and 9 colours I wanted it to stand out and it wouldn’t have the same effect if it was a small quote as every other letter would be different. The speech bubble I used was an image I found online that really relates to the theme of the quote. I made this entire poster using photoshop and getting the image of the speech bubble from goggle images. I faded out the background to ensure that the colours and the fonts would stand out. The fonts I used are: Century Gothic, Adobe Caslon Pro Bold, Arial Black, Ayuthaya,American Typewriter, Bauhaus 93, Blackoak Std, Britannc Bold, Chalkduster, Herculanum.

INITIAL IDEAS I chose to use the quote “Being part of something special makes you special” from the movie ‘The Notebook’ I’ve always loved this quote so, I instantly knew this was the one I was going to use. This is a printscreen of the initial design I made but, I decided to completely change the lqyout of it because although I liked it, there was too much of a gap in the middle and it wasn’t that easy to read. When some other students in the class read it, they though it was 2 separate quotes because of how separated they are.

PRINTSCREENS This is the final layout that I decided on after a lot of changing my mind. I wanted to make sure the quote took over the whole page so, im making the most of the poster and it’s easier to read.

FINAL DESIGN pt.1 I chose to use the arrows the the bottom right hand corner and top left hand corner to create a border style effect and make a frame for the writing to fit into Fonts I Used: CENTURY GOTHIC ARIAL ADOBE HEBREW BAUHAUS 93 AMERICAN TYPREWRITER BRITANNIC BOLD IMPACT MYRIAD PRO COND BRAGGADOCIO COURIER GENEVA GILL SANS ULTRA BOLD

FINAL DESIGN pt.2 I chose to do the quote “Being part of something special, makes you special” from my favorite movie ‘The Notebook’, although the quote isn’t directed at girls, I chose the pink background because of the nature of the film. The ‘Being’ is in the font, century gothic. I chose to layer the ‘part’ and ‘of’ so that they’ll stand out and I really liked the black, white and gray theme but without the black background, the white font wouldn't’t stand out The ‘you’ is using the same sort of effect as the ‘part’ and ‘of’ but this time using separate circles instead of one block. Again I did this to create a good effect and make it stand out For the word ‘something’ I was just going to do the same as I did with ‘being’ and have it as one font but, instead I used 6 different fonts century gothic, arial, Britannic bold, La MN, impact and Myriad pro light. I then chose to go black, white, black, white but, it still didn’t stand out enough so, using photoshop I layered the O, E, H and N with a gauze like shape to make the white letters stand out from the light pink background

EVALUATION I designed about a few different posters before I got to my final one and I’m finally happy with this one. The thing I found the most tricky was getting the background right. Sometimes I liked the look of it but the colour didn’t work right with it, then I found the colour but, I couldn’t get the grunge background right. I like the black rectangle background on the ‘part’ ‘of’ and ‘special’ because it makes the word stand out. I would improve it by choosing different shapes rather than the same one just to make it more attractive to the person reading it. The way I’ve laid out the writing could be improved by making it easier to read because a couple of people have said it’s not that easy to read because of the small gap separating the 2 pieces of writing. If I had the chance to re-design my poster I would change the background colour so it’s black, white or gray so, I could have lots of different colour fonts to make it stand out and use a lot more styles of writing with lots of different backgrounds for them.