Mr. Hoffman AP English Literature and Composition
“an artistic failure” – T.S. Eliot “the work of a drunken savage” – Voltaire “it is we who are Hamlet” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Written in 1601 No description of settings Simple and compact plot Beliefs at the time Elizabethan view of the universe “Great Chain of Being” Ghosts Nature tells things
uncertain knowledge of himself and those around him awareness of good and evil and the ambiguity of both Revenge Tragedy Tragic Hero
Originally, no act divisions until 1676 No true dramatic purpose Three types of scenes Big ceremonial scenes involving the court Domestic scenes concerned with parents and their children Polonius, Fortinbras, Hamlet Hamlet’s trenchant, spontaneous, and generalized comments on life
1. The question of appearance vs. reality 2. The question of a corrupt and diseased society 3. The question of parents and children 4. The question of revenge 5. The question of the relationship of thought to action
Listen for general meaning Look for movement; facial expressions Wordsmith Wordsmith Sounds of words Blend of poetry and prose