To score points by hitting the ball across the net into each others half of the court without the other player/team being able to return it.
Serve, Forehand, Backhand, and smash Server, Receiver
Team-1 (singles) or 2 (doubles) players Winner-player/team who scores 21 points. (Win by 2) win the best 2 out of 3 games or win the best 3 out of 5 games. Time-N/A. Start game-with a serve Server-1 serve attempt (ball must be held in an uncupped hand, tossed at least 6 inches high in mid-air above table level behind the end line) Serve- singles does not have to cross a certain court doubles must cross from the servers court and must hit both sides of the table. Serves alternate every 5 points (except at deuce) Offense-place ball away from defense Defense- protect lines and net (rally and volley) Fault- not successfully returning the ball over the net or hitting the ball in mid-air after a serve. Boundaries- stand anywhere behind the table Ball hits line or edge of the table is good.
Scoring Unreturned ball= 1 point
Unsportsmanlike Conduct Automatic point for the other team
Call score, score when receiver is ready, don’t touch net/table with paddle, don’t crack ball, compliment play.
TERMS Backspin, cross court, deep, double bounce, down the line, drop shot, flat, forehand, free hand, let serve, lob, loop, match, open racket, pen hold, push, racket, racket hand, rally, rating, receive, serve, shake hands grip, short, side spin, smash, spin, stroke, top spin, two step, footwork, volley.
Safety Swinging paddle, ball across floor, hold on to paddle.
Facilities/Space (court/Field dimensions) Table is 9x5 feet with net 6 inches.
Indoors/Outdoors: Yes. Gym, garage. Equipment: paddle, table, net, ball Olympic sport: yes Lifetime sport: yes Special notes: Linked to lawn tennis Parker Brothers copyright Ping Pong sound Most popular racket sport in the world.