Who is 漢字博士? Can you read this? 椛 I can read this. You can read this.
Practice verbs
play soccer
play baseball
play volleyball
play basketball
play table tennis
play tennis
play kendama
play the piano
skat e
sk i
snowboar d
danc e
eat natto
eat celery
eat inago
can ~ できる
I play soccer can play soccer.
play baseball Youcan play baseball.
play volleyball Yuk i can play volleyball.
She play tennis can play tennis.
skate Tom can skate.
eat celery Hecan eat celery.
eat inago Youcan eat inago.
We play kendama can play kendama.
play the piano Theycan play the piano.
螽 I can read this kanji. He can read this kanji. s 助動詞 can ①動詞の前に「 can 」をつけることで、「~できる」という意味 が 加わります。 ② 「 can 」の後の動詞は、原形(動詞の元の形)にな ります。 Point ③主語が 3 人称単数( He, She, 人の名前)であっても、 「 can 」に 「 s 」が付いたり、動詞に「 s 」が付いたりすることはあり ません。
Practice more
I ski. I ( can )( ski ). cansk i
You snowboard. You ( can ) ( snowboard ). cansnowboard
Ken ( can )( play ) basketball. Ken plays basketball. canpla y
He swims. He ( can ) ( swim ). canswim
Emma dances. Emma ( can ) ( dance ). candance
She ( can )( play ) table tennis. She plays table tennis. canpla y
Tom and Judy eat natto. Tom and Judy ( can )( eat ) natto. canea t