What is a School health program? A program whereby services for medical, teaching personnel and other professionals are applied in or out of school to improve the health and well-being of children and in some cases whole families. Fundamentals of these services….
Importance of School Health Student and staff absenteeism decreases Student concentration improves Student behaviour problems are reduced e.g. health risk behaviours. Children and adolescents establish life-long health promoting behaviours. Health of young people is strongly linked to their academic success and the academic success of youth strongly linked to their health.
Components of School health Health education Physical Education(P.E) Health services:- Prevention and control of communicable diseases Provision of emergency care for illness and injury Promotion and provision of optimum sanitary conditions for a safe school facility Access or referral to primary health care services or both are ensured
Nutrition services Counseling, Psychological and Social Services Healthy and Safe environment- Factors:- School building and those surrounding it Presence of biological and Chemical agents detrimental to health Physical conditions e.g. Temperature, noise ad lighting Family and community involvement or commitment.
Pictorial demonstration
Goals of School Health Increase Health Knowledge, attitudes and skills-School health instruction helps young people to:- Improve their knowledge of health Develop related life skills N/B: Improved communication and life skills can +vely affect students health decisions and behaviour and promote effective citizenship
(b) Improve education outcomes:- Appraisal, protection and improvement of students health reduces tardiness and absenteeism and increases academic achievement Students who acquire more years of education ultimately become healthier adults and practice fewer of the health risk behaviours
Increase positive health behaviours and health outcomes- school health programs can be designed to help youth avoid specific risk behaviours Improve social outcomes e.g. through conflict resolution and peer mediation programs