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Presentation transcript:

Sequential Circuits Design Problem: Combinational Lock Detect the lock sequence 3-1-2

Storage Elements: Latches vs. Flip Flops Latch: level sensitive: continuously sampling input while level is high Flip Flop: sample input at a transition of the clock positive edge triggered, negative edge triggered D Clk Qlatch Qff(neg edge)

S-R Latch (Active High) S R Q 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 R(reset) S(set) Q S R Q

S-R Latch (Active Low) S R Q 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 R(reset) Q Q S(set) S R Q

Controlled S-R Latch S(set) Q Clock Q R(reset) C S R Q 0 X X 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1

D Latch D Q Clock Q C D Q 0 X 1 0 1 1

Flip Flops Problem: latches are sensitive to any changes that occur with the input while the clock or control signal is high Glitches/Hazards Unsynchronized changes Solution use flip-flops, devices that react only on the clock edge

Master-Slave D Flip Flop Y D D Q D latch (Master) C D Q D latch (Slave) C Q Clock D Clk Y Q

Master-Slave J-K Flip Flop S Q S-R latch (Master) R C D Q D latch (Slave) C Q Q J Y K Clock Clk J K Y Q

Flip Flop Descriptions Several ways to describe a Flip Flop Example: Toggle Flip Flop: Inverts output when input is true Characteristic tables: How does the FF respond to its inputs Determines how to design the element Excitation tables: How do you get a result out of a FF Determines how to use the element T Q Toggle Flip Flop C T Q(t) Q(t+1) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Q(t) Q(t+1) T 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

Flip Flop Descriptions (cont.) S-R Flip Flop: D Flip Flop: S R Q ( t ) Q ( t + 1 ) Q ( t ) Q ( t+1 ) S R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D Q ( t ) Q ( t + 1 ) Q ( t ) Q ( t+1 ) D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Flip Flop Descriptions (cont.) J-K Flip Flop J K Q ( t ) Q ( t + 1 ) Q ( t ) Q ( t+1 ) J K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Design Example Design a D Flip Flop with an SR Flip Flop

Design Example Design a T Flip Flop with a JK Flip Flop

(combinational logic) Finite State Machines Need to implement circuits that remember history Traffic Light controller, Sequence Lock, ... History will be held in flip flops Seqential Logic needs more complex design steps State Diagram to describe behavior State Table to specify functions (like Truth Table) Implementation of combinational logic as controller Controller (combinational logic) FFs Inputs Outputs Next State Previous (Current) State

Finite State Machine Example Example: Odd Parity Checker Assert output whenever input bit stream has odd # of 1's Reset 0/0 Even 1/0 1/1 Odd 0/1 State Diagram Even: State = 0, Odd: State = 1

Finite State Machine Example (cont.) NS = PS xor PI; OUT = PS xor PI PS NS Output Input D Q CLK Q R \Reset Input 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clk Output

State Diagrams Graphical diagram of FSM behavior States represented by circles Transitions (actions) represented by arrows connecting states Labels on Transitions give cause of action, resulting output Inputs causing transition/Outputs Note: We cover Mealy machines here; Moore machines put outputs on states, not transitions Finite State Machine: State Diagram with finite number of states Reset 0/0 Even 1/0 1/1 Odd 0/1

State Diagram Example Circuit that cycles through Gray code when input true, holds value otherwise Gray code: Code on top of K-Map

State Table “Truth table” for sequential circuits

State Table Example State Table for Gray code circuit

FSM Design Process 1. Understand the problem 2. Draw the state diagram 3. Use state diagram to produce state table 4. Choose which type of Flip Flops to use 5. Implement the combinational control logic

Vending Machine Example Deliver package of gum after >= 15 cents deposited Single coin slot for dimes, nickels No change returned State Diagram: N Coin Vending Open Gum Sensor D Machine Release FSM Mechanism Reset Clk

Vending Machine Example (cont.) State Table:

Vending Machine Example (cont.) Implementation: