Some Value Engineering Proposals For LBNE Beamline
Some initial points The total cost of LBNE project is much more than expected and more than unofficial DOE directions Cuts of the cost in any subsystem is exercised In primary beam the magnets are major cost contributor - $13,043,008, base price The total cost is: $25,707,316 Some additional value engineering options are discussed
60 GeV extraction from MI60 LBNE docdb #3128, 3129
Base cost savings Options –(A) 21 individual IDA/IDB + 4 individual IDC/IDD. Total Magnet Base Cost = $ M (savings of ~ $2.9 M) –(B) 25 individual IDA/IDB Total Magnet Base Cost = $ M (savings of ~ $2.7 M) Practically no savings from PSs and LCW
More magnet options i)Use refurbished B2 dipoles with ~ 25% more dipoles, that is 32 B2 dipoles instead of 25 IDA/IDB dipoles. In this case, the whole dipole string should work more reliably at lower current. The total saving is ~ $7.8 M. ii)Utilize 38 refurbished/rebuild B2 dipoles at a lower current, reducing the operation cost. Evaluation of the B2 magnets during the Summer 2010 shutdown, showed that we have exactly 38 potentially good magnets from the new B2 generation. Assuming that 100% of them are good, the total price of the magnets is $7.1 M, and the savings is $7.6M. Assuming that 15% of them are bad (vacuum or/and water leaks) and TD needs to rebuild them, one could estimate the total price of the magnets in the case of: 32 refurbished B2 and 6 rebuild one is $7.8 M, saving is $6.9M. iii)Use 60 GeV UNK dipoles and quads - let's say LBNE gets them for free if IHEP joins the Collaboration and the magnets count as IHEP contribution including the shipping costs. Assuming that we have to build only the correctors and other needed dipoles (EPB, ), the savings is $12.5 M.
60-<120 GeV Extraction from MI10 LBNE docdb #3126, 3127
John Johnstone’s table & 120 GeV
Magnets count i) 3 MI style kickers - $ 90k ii) 3 MI Lambertsons - $600k iii) 1 C-magnet - $ 80k iv) 6 EPB - $ 687k v) 4 IDA/IDB - $1051k vi) 8 IDC/IDD - $1227k vii) 23 3Q120 - $1585k viii) 6 3Q60 - $ 234k ix) 30 Correctors - $1183k Total cost - $6730k = $6.73M Savings ~$ 6300k
PSs 3 MI style kickers - One $400k 2 MI Lambertsons - One 500kW $248k 1 MI Lambertsons - One 150kW $127k 1 C-magnet - One 150kW $127k 5 EPB - One 300v/2000a$258k 4 IDA/IDB - One 250v/10ka$582k 8 IDC/IDD - One 250v/10ka$582k 23 3Q120 - Two 1250v/320a$395k 6 3Q60 - Six 150v/500a $330k 30 Correctors v/40a $105k Total Power Supply Cost $3,154k Savings are: $3,450k
LCW The major components affected would be the piping, pumps, expansion tank, and heat exchanger. The effort required would not change. For a simple scaling of the M&S costs, a ratio of the heat loads is a good basis. Assuming similar requirements for pipe lengths, bus lengths and number of connections, using this ratio as a first approximation for costs leads to (6/14) * $1.313M = $563k. Savings = $750k. The buswork, if assumed to be proportional to the number of dipole magnets, would be at a ratio of 12/38 on $1.942M, or $614k. Savings = $1328k. Total savings would be $2.078M, less the additional costs in the range of $50k to $200k. Estimate $1.8M. Current estimated budget for the LCW as is $4.2M
Grand Total Magnets – 6.3M PSs - 3.5M LCW - 1.8M Total M