She was born on 27th April 1759 in Spitalfields, London; it was a period where people had a very chauvinistic ideology and women didn’t have neither voice nor vote.
During her life she lived in Ireland, France and England. When she was 17, she started to work as miss of company. Then she become governess, designer and later teacher (she founded a school). At the same time that she began to write and to stand out her clear intelligence.
Finally, she died on 10th September 1797, when she was 38 because of the complications she had with the birth of her daughter, Mary Shelley.
Her life received a lot of attention because of her relationships. She had a daughter (Fanny Imlay) with Gilbert Imlay, but she finally got married with a philosopher called William Godwin (leader of the anarchic movement), and they had a daughter called Mary Shelley who was the author of the popular novel “Frankenstein”. She died very young because of some complications in the birth of Mary, leaving some unfinished manuscripts.
painter and writer on British painter and writer on art Johann Heinrich Füssli ( ) was a British painter and writer. Gilbert Imlay ( ) was an officer in the American Revolutionary War. William Godwin (1756– 1836) was the founder of philosophical anarchism Fanny Imlay The daughter That he had With Mary Wollstonecraft
When she was a child, the situation of her family became financially unstable and they were frequently forced to move while she was a teenager Her father was a violent man who beat his wife, and Mary used to lie to protect her mother. She had two sisters, Everina and Eliza, and she was like a mother to them. She had a very important friend, Fanny Blood, who was who opened her mind.
In 1790 Wollstonecraft wrote a book called A Vindication of the Rights of Man. This writing contains a recuperation of the rights of the individual and the civil and religious freedom; she defends equality, and condemns discrimination of women. The following year she published her most important book, Vindication of the Rights of Women, where she talked about the educational restrictions that kept women in a state of "ignorance and slavish dependence."
–N–Nowadays she is admired because of the work she did considering the period she lived in. –H–Her philosophical ideas and work are considered important influences for women who followed her steps.
The End