Of Pathways and Pipelines: Health Careers and Young Workers Recovering America’s Youth SUMMIT Chicago, November, 2009 Erik Payne Butler Human Investment Institute LLC/ TATC Consulting
Universal Themes in Workforce Development Supply and Demand Dynamics -- employers need workers -- people need skills -- communities/labor markets need the match to work Equity, access and cost – skills, competencies and systems Mutual dissatisfaction, no matter the economy The BIG Questions about 25 year-olds
The three big questions for 25 year-olds CAN YOU READ? DID YOU GRADUATE? HAVE YOU WORKED?
The three big (Workforce) questions for firms and sectors? Can you grow (modernize) with existing skill profiles? Do you have a pipeline of skilled workers? How and when will your skill needs change over time?
The Case of Healthcare Growing demand for entry level and technically-trained workers Poorly-defined pipeline/ well-defined entry criteria (often regulated) Varied employment at low skills levels, for certain classes of institution Technology invading most classifications Larger employers well-located and generally progressive
Profiles of U.S. labor demand in health and allied occupations
Skills gap analysis ׀ Recruit youth and jobs ׀ Assessment and Planning ׀ Case mgr and plan Unemployed Under Employed HS Student Voc-tech Student Enrolled in college Pathways to Health Careers Supply- demand thinking Basic skills Technical skills (e.g., LPN, surg./med, radiology) Soft skills/ employability Practicum (WE, Internships, etc.) Mentoring, case mgt., Coaching DELIVERY PARTNERS Community college Vocational School Private Provider Hospital HR dept. Youth Center CBO Assessment and Certification ׀ Guided job/training search ׀ Placement in job or training ׀ 30/60/90 Day follow-up ׀ Retention support Hospital Clinic Assisted living Services Comm college, et. al.