Brief Overview of Gender in Vietnam Vietnam has made significant progress in gender equality (legal framework, education, infant and maternal mortality, participation, etc.) Important challenges remain, both socially and economically (health insurance coverage, employment, education gaps for ethnic minorities, poverty among widows, etc.) Policy actions are needed to address these challenges in the context of an economy making the transition from low to middle income
Vietnam CPS and Gender CPS process launched in fall of 2010 2 gender initiatives informed the CPS: Vietnam Country Gender Assessment, conducted by the Bank in collaboration with other development partners and Government Country Gender Action Plan – the Bank’s internal assessment of how it could address gender issues more effectively in the CPS program In addition, gender issues came up in various rounds of internal and external consultations
Vietnam Country Gender Assessment 2011 Overview of Gender Issues Gender, Poverty and Well-Being Gender and Employment Gender and Political Participation Conclusions & Policy Recommendations
Vietnam Country Gender Action Plan (CGAP) Developed in spring of 2011 Informed by “Gender Inventory Report” and consultations with team, GoV, Dev Partners Overview of gender issues Current gender related efforts in Vietnam: GoV and DPs World Bank and Gender: goals, current activities, planned actions, resources Results Matrix
Vietnam CPS Framework 3 Pillars: Competitiveness Sustainability Opportunities 3 Cross-cutting themes: Governance Resilience Gender Gender “Coverage” in the CPS: Section on gender in ‘Poverty and Inequality’ diagnostics Description of how gender will be a cross-cutting theme Box with example of gender mainstreaming in project Annex on gender issues Gender milestones included in CPS Results Framework
What CPS says on Gender The Bank’s support to gender in the CPS has four key elements: I. To support Government in improving the implementation of the Law on Gender Equality and the National Strategy on Gender Equality, in part by building gender awareness and capacity within relevant ministries; II. To support the development of a national gender data system by building on the recent development of the National Gender Statistical Indicator System; III. To apply a gender lens to identify opportunities to integrate gender more systematically into Bank operations, including by making the systematic collection of data disaggregated by gender a guiding principle; and IV. To help close the knowledge gap through quantitative and qualitative research on gender issues. All of these areas of action are cross-cutting in nature and impact.
Monitoring Progress – example from CPS Matrix
What Worked/Pitfalls Analytical underpinnings important, but CGAP or similar plan with concrete actions even more important Consultations with team to get as much ownership as possible – Gender Sector Champions? Strong support from CD, sector management Good coordination with DPs – focus on Comp Advantages Helped that Gender is IDA16 theme Pitfalls: Risk of overpromising – how to make CPS living document Mainstreaming risk – “everywhere is nowhere”