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Presentation transcript:

CET essay Type 3 : 图表作文

Graphs2  类类俱到、选取典型数据  简单明确、说明一个问题  套用模板、牢记表达方式

Graphs3 Types xxx 58% 30% 12% table line graph pie graph bar graph

Graphs4 1.Templates & Samples 2.Expressions & Class work Graphs4

5 Sample 1 Year Number of People  People Below Poverty Line

Graphs6 Sample 1  People Below Poverty Line  Outline: 1. 下图所示为中国三年中贫困线以下人口的 变化,请 描述其变化 2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因 3. 解决目前中国贫困人口问题还有什么困难 变化 原因 结论

Graphs7 Template 1 The graph describes ( 点题 ). As can be seen from the graph, ( 概括描述 ). ( 展开一句 ). Several factors contribute to the change. First of all, ( 第一 原因 ). In addition, ( 第二原因 ). Perhaps the main cause is ( 第 三原因 ). From the analysis above, we can safely conclude that ( 得 出结论 ). ( 结尾句 ).

Graphs8 Sample 1 Year Number of People  People Below Poverty Line

Graphs9 Sample 1  Recently, the issue of people below poverty line has aroused much interest. As can be seen from the graph, the number of people below poverty line decreased during the years of 1978 to In 1978, there are 250 million throughout the country while in 1997 only 50 million people were under the line.

Graphs10 Sample 1  Several factors contribute to the decrease. First of all, the government’s policy of reform and opening up has accelerated the country’s development and prospered its economy. Second, people’s living condition has improved remarkably. All this results in a drop in the poverty-stricken population.

Graphs11 Sample 1  From the analysis above, we can safely conclude that this change will bring us much benefit. However, there are still many people living below poverty line due to China’s overpopulation, limited resources and relatively low employment, to mane just a few. Of course, the government is making every effort to solve those problems.

Graphs12 Sample 2  Changes in the Way of Travel Mode of traveling By air8%25% By train58%35% By car10%32% By bike24%8% Total100% √ √

Graphs13 Sample 2  Changes in the Way of Travel  Outline: 1. 下图所示为某城市 1990 年至 2003 年间人们旅行乘车 方式的变化,请描述其变化 2. 简述你从中得出的结论 简述变化 + 细节描述 结论

Graphs14 Template 2 The graph describes ( 点题 ). As can be seen from the graph, ( 概括描述 ). ( 展开一句 ). As can be seen from the table, there are several remarkable tendencies: ( 对图表进行细节描述 ). I think two things caused the changes. ( 对原因的分析或 自己的结论 ). So, we may predict that ( 得出结论或对未来的 展望 ).

Graphs15 Sample 2  The table shows the changes in the way people travel. During the years between 1990 and 2003, the number of people traveling by train, by air and by private car has changed a great deal.

Graphs16 Sample 2  As can be seen from the table, there are two remarkable tendencies: one is the rate of traveling by air, and the other is that by private cars. The former rose from 8% in 1990 to 25% in 2003, while the latter from 10% to 32%, both increasing more than 3 times. The table also shows that the number of people traveling by train decreased by 23% though it is still many people’s first choice.

Graphs17 Sample 2  I think two things caused the changes. First, people are better off. They can afford to travel by air or in their own cars. Second, traveling by train is still favored by the majority, since it is cheaper. So, we may predict that as people’s living standard is improving, trains, cars and planes will be three main forms of transportation for long-distance travel.

Graphs18 increasedecrease (1)(2)(3)(4) rise dramatically increase steadily drop sharply fall gradually Expressions

Graphs19 Expressions increase rise jump dramatically rapidly significantly suddenly sharply slightly gradually steadily decrease decline drop fall increase decrease

Graphs20 S + V + Obj. double treble 是过去的 2 倍, 1 增加了 1 倍 是过去的 3 倍, 增加了 2 倍 Expressions (1) This country has doubled her annual output of steel during the post-war years. (2) The enemy’s force trebles ours.

Graphs21 S + V + times + that of… as + adj. (sth.) + as… Expressions (1) The gross value of industrial output last year was estimated to be 2.5 times that of (2) By that time they will produce three times as much grain as they did in (3) The foreign trade turnover increased 3.5 times compared with that of 2002.

Graphs22 S + be + times / % + S + V + (by) + % … up on… Over… 比较级 + than… 增加了多少倍 / 百分之几 Expressions (1)The agricultural output for 2006 is estimated to be 51% up on that of (2) The grain output was two times over that of (3) In 1980 crude oil production rose (by) 150 per cent compared with that of 1975.

Graphs23 Fire Causes in London —— Smokers 50%37.5% 12.5% Children playing with matches Defective insulation √ √ Class work 1

Graphs24 Fire Causes in London  The graph shows the fire causes in London. As can be seen from the graph, careless smokers, defective insulations and children playing with matches are the three major causes of fires in London.

Graphs25 Fire Causes in London  Among the three major causes, smoking and children playing with matches accounts for 50 % and 37.5% of the fires respectively. Defective insulation is a less serious cause which is responsible for only 12.5% of the fires.

Graphs26 Fire Causes in London  From this we can conclude that whatever causes the fire, carelessness seems to be the root cause. Therefore, people should be more careful with fire. Children should be warned of the danger of playing with matches and electric workers should be instructed to take good care of insulation.

Graphs Year Average Income (RMB) Average Income of the Chinese Farmers √ √ Class work 2

Graphs28 Average Income of the Chinese Farmers  The above line graph describes changes in the average income of Chinese farmers between the year of 1975 and As illustrated by the graph, Chinese farmers’ income has been increasing since The graph shows that the years between 1995 and 2000 witnessed a dramatic rise by 84%.

Graphs29 Average Income of the Chinese Farmers  What caused the changes? There are two major factors contributing to this. First, with the policy of reform and opening up, farmers are more activated by the household contract responsibility system, which offers many policies favorable to farmers. Second, the government has increased its subsidies to famous and reduced taxes on farmers.

Graphs30 Average Income of the Chinese Farmers  Considering the factors just outlined, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that the average income of Chinese farmers will keep on going upward in the future.

Graphs AGE Estimated earnings (thousands of dollars) High school 4 years of college Graduate school Estimated Earnings √ √ √ √ √ √ Class work 3

Graphs32 Estimated Earnings  The bar graph describes the estimated earning of people with different education at different ages. As can be seen from the graph, the estimated income of a person is closely related to his or her age and the education he or she has received.

Graphs33 Estimated Earnings  As far as one’s age is concerned, according to the graph, people in their 40s can earn a lot more than those in their 60s or 70s, with people in their 30s and 50s somewhere in between.  When one’s education is taken into account, it seems that the higher degree one gets, the more he or she will earn after graduation.

Graphs34 Estimated Earnings  All this seems to point to the conclusion that if we want to earn more money, we have to get a higher degree and that we had better work hard when we are young so as to put some money aside for the days when we can hardly earn any.

Graphs35 Homework  Changes in People’s Diet  Mobile phone and college students (revise & refine)  To be collected next time with your first draft  熟记 p165(2) 图表型、 p166(2) 图表型 常用句式 √ √

Graphs36 Changes in People’s Diet Grain51%49%46%43%42% Milk10%11% 12%13% Meat18%20%22%23%24% Fruit and vegetables 21%20%21%22%21% Total100% √ } √